Part three (3) of the …

Part three (3) of the oblig is a "hjemmeksamen uten tilsyn", which means that it will count towards your grades (by 25%).

The deadline for part 3 is November 7 at 0800. (Deadlines for parts 1, 2, and 4 is 26/9, 17/10 and 28/11, respectively). They are all mandatory. They all have to be in by the given date. You have to pass all of them before you are admitted to the final written examination.

If you fail ("flunk") any of the mandatory exercises, you can revise and resubmit again before the deadline of the following part, even for part 3. However, the fail (F) on part 3 will stick with you.

We are not doing "konte"-examinations, neither for the "hjemmeksamen uten tilsyn" (part three (3) of the oblig), nor the final examination. If you are ill for the final examination and can produce a doctor's certificate (legeattest), we will make you a postponed examination.

A "no-show" for the final examination without "legeattest", mean that you will fail (F) the course, even if your "oblig" was wonderful.

I expect students to need a total score of 40% to pass the course and get an E. An A on the oblig and 20% of the score for the finals would the, mathematically speaking, get you an E. Just to give you an idea,...

Disclaimer! I do not make the rules, and might have gotten some of it wrong. Or all of it. I don't think so, but if in doubt, ask They have the final word, not me.

Publisert 26. aug. 2005 17:19 - Sist endret 18. okt. 2005 16:23