{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1044\deflangfe1044{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\li1136\lang1033\f0\fs32 Tracking-system for the children\rquote s museum\par \pard\nowidctlpar\par \fs28 "A system for personalizing a child\rquote s visit to the museum"\par \par \par \par \par \fs24 The users of this system:\par \par Children of age 3-12(arguably higher for max age)\par For those age 0-3 there will hopefully be a seperate section for them.. \par They have other demands and understanding of things than our target group.\par \par Needs:\par We want the children to have a good learning experience at the museum.\par We also want the children to have fun at the museum\par \par Usage: \par Usage of this device will vary. The children will use it actively some places and inactive on other exhibits.\par Some exhibits will detect the child and take contact with them. Other exhibits may require the child to interact somehow.\par The device will no matter have a passive mode, connecting with hotspots at the museum throughout the childs visit.\par they will receieve item at the beginning of their stay and hand it in when they leave.\par \par Possible problems:\par If several kids enter an area at the same time. The exhibit needs to have rules for its behaviour.\par The kids might not enjoy seeing their picture or avatar on the wall.\par The kid may lose their device.\par Some kids might not understand some exhibits. The interface might not be simple enough.\par We will need to test and evaluate our concepts on a testgroup of kids.\par \par Overview: \par \par When a child enters the museum he/she receives a physical object that provides the kid with a unique id.\par The physical object can be anything, e.g. a bracelet, a cane with a comic figure on etc.\par \par The child can at the first part of the museum choose to interact with this object to choose either an avatar of a comic figure or get their picture taken..etc.\par \par The child is now uniquely identified and will use their object of interaction throughout the museum. And wherever the child uses his/her object their avatar will appear at the exhibit/post their interacting with.\par This interaction can span the entire museum or just some parts.\par The child can also be rewarded for their behavior throughout the museum...Their avatar can change mood..., they can earn "credits" to be used on other exhibits..etc.\par \par \par When the child is exiting the museum, we now have lots of data on the child\rquote s behavior at the museum, and can personalize a diploma, gift or reward as a memory of their stay. \par \par As an added bonus this system will provide statistics on usage of the different installations at the museum, so evaluation of exhibits will become easier.\par (it is also possible to use this to keep track of where everyone is. For private or public use)\par \par Claim:\par Children will think its fun to see themselves or their avatar on screens throughout the museum.\par They will appreciate a personalized reward with pictures of them doing stuff\par \par Assumption:\par A reward system will make the learning even more interesting for the kids with added incentives.\fs28\par \par \par \fs20\par }