Please recall that we will …

Please recall that we will have a brief discussion on the exercise of Part 05 (slide 39) at the beginning of the first class hour tomorrow. The second hour is reserved for questions you may have regarding the presentation (due next week) and the final report. Please note that report outlines of two of last years' reports can be found in directory final-report under undervisningsmateriale.

In the PROFES User Manual you find a very detailed template for a process improvement plan in Appendix 2.6 (Note: this template is too detailed for our needs, but it might still serve well for giving an idea what all the elements of a comprehensive software process improvement plan might be).

In the reading materials related to Part06 of the lecture you find a paper that reports experience from applying the PROFES SPI method at Draeger.

The lecture notes of Part 06 have been uploaded. You find them in the directory lecture-notes under undervisningsmateriale.

Reading materials for Part 06 have also been uploaded. You find them in the directory reading-materials under undervisningsmateriale.

Published Feb. 24, 2009 11:55 AM - Last modified May 26, 2009 12:08 PM