Thanks for the timely submission …

Thanks for the timely submission of your draft project reports. Each of you will receive individual feedback until 25th March at the latest.

When quickly browsing through your reports, I noticed that some of you ignored the formal guidelines that I provided in the first lecture (i.e., cover page, figure/table captions, referencing, font size, line spacing). This is not a problem for your draft document but please make sure that you satisfy the formatting requirements in the final project report. You find the formatting rules and other useful information on the project report and the oral exam in a file I have uploaded to directory undervisningsmateriale. To give you orientation on how I will compute the final course grades based on your performance, I included the tentative marking scheme (last page of the file).

Published Mar. 20, 2009 4:43 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:03 PM