Final Curriculum

Please  use the following guide in preparation for the exam:

1. Curriculum is defined by the  lecture slides. All the slides except for the slides which were not discussed in the class are in the curriculum.  In particular, the following slides were not discussed in  the class and therefore not in the curriculum:  
        (a) Relation network, Prototypical network,  MANN and LSTM meta-learner (in Learning concepts, slides 28-31)
        (b) Reptile  (in  Learning concepts, slide 33)
        (c) Zero shot learning (in Learning concepts, slides 35-40  )
        (d) Dialog Systems and Question answering   (in Text sequence processing slides 58-68)
2. Some slides contain detailed and complicated architecture  diagrams  copy-pasted from published articles. In these cases only a superficial understanding of the diagram is required. This means that only the main principles illustrated by the architecture is important, not each and every detail  of the diagram.

Publisert 28. nov. 2019 14:07 - Sist endret 28. nov. 2019 14:09