About exercise help and questions

I would like some feedback on how we should do the exercise sessions, and how I can provide help with exercises in general. Please answer a few questions here.

Note that you can now ask questions or discuss things in Canvas under "Discussions". I will try to check the page regularly to provide answers.

Here's the current (tentative) plan:

The Monday exercise session

  • In this session I will go through exercises and remind you of the most important defintions and results used.
  • In the second half you can get individual help.
  • The session will not be hybrid.

If you can not attend the exercise session you have the following possibilites:

  • Ask questions on Canvas (under "Discussions")
  • Look at the solutions from previous semesters (if a solution is missing, you can ask me about it on Canvas or by mail)
  • If there is a big demand I might find a time slot for "digital office hours". Tell me if you think you will use this here.




Publisert 24. jan. 2022 15:31 - Sist endret 24. feb. 2023 13:33