
Welcome to MAT3100 Linear optimization spring 2018. The teaching language is English (if there are students asking for it).

The lectures (Thursday) are given by Kenneth H. Karlsen (kennethk[at]math.uio.no]). Responsible for the class (Monday), which takes the form of "plenary exercise sessions", is Lorenzo Ciardo (lorenzci[at]math.uio.no). For some exercises/projects we (i.e., you) will use the optimization program OPL-CPLEX and Matlab (or some other language you prefer). An introduction to OPL-CPLEX is given.

There are two mandatory assignments, with deadlines March 15 and April 26.

The course starts in week 3, with the first lecture on Thursday Jan 18. The first class is on Monday Jan 22.

Publisert 3. jan. 2018 09:32 - Sist endret 3. jan. 2018 09:32