This week and oblig 2

I have just published oblig 2 on the course web page here. I will also be available for questions during tomorrow's lecture time (1415-1600) on zoom: zoomlink can be found in the "timeplan".

I have also published thursday's lecture, which is a short lecture about an implementation of the simplex algorithm which I just posted on the course web page. This is not directly exam relevant, but may still be very interesting for those of you interested in the implementational aspects of simplex. The "timeplan" contains both a link to the simplex implementation and the pdf which proves the needed formulas.

After this week we have gone through the entire syllabus. From next week I will focus on exams, and will use one week for each exam over the last three years.


Publisert 19. apr. 2021 11:13 - Sist endret 19. apr. 2021 11:17