Semester page for STK4021 - Autumn 2013


Let's see -- I've uploaded R scripts com86a and com87a, concerning cigarettes and lung cancer, Nils Exercises 22-23; com88b, sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aqarum, deer in forest, exam stk 4020 2004 no. 3; and com 90b, empirical Bayes for binomials, exam stk 4020 2004 no. 4. Send me a mail if something here isn't properly uploaded.

Dec. 2, 2013 7:13 PM

We meet one more time before the exam period sets in. We do Execise 1 from exam stk 4020 2004, and otherwise use the time for "repetition & summary" work, with an opportunity for questions & answers. I will also place a few more R scripts on the website of relevance for solving some of the earlier exam questions. I shall also produce the promised precise curriculum list (containing zero surprises, but detailing which of the book's subsections are defined as merely "cursory curriculum").

One more piece of information: For the four-hour written examination Monday December 9, one may not bring the course book, but each student is allowed to bring one page of handwritten notes in addition to an ordinary calculator (intended for essentially simple calculations illustrating a formula or two).

Nov. 27, 2013 12:13 AM