Lung cancer data:


Short description:

Results on 272 patients diagnosed with non-small-cell lung cancer in Yorkshire in the early 1990s and followed for about 3 years


Coding of variables:

time: Time in months from diagnosis

cens: Indicator of death (1) or censoring (0)

age: Age in years

sex: Male=0, female=1

activity: Activity score on scale 0?4 (low is good)

anorexia: 0=absent, 1=present

hoarseness: 0=absent, 1=present

metastases: 0=absent, 1=present



Muers, M.F., Shevlin, P., Brown, J. (1996). Prognosis in lung cancer: physicians? opinions compared with outcome and a predictive model. Thorax 51, 894-902.