Oppmelding til emnet HMS0507 Brannsikkerhet / Registration for the course HMS0507 Fire Safety

Hvis du er 1. semesterstudent p? bachelor og 5-?rig masterprogram blir du meldt til emnet av kontaktpunkt for ditt program. Er du masterstudent eller  av andre ?rsaker ikke har f?tt tatt brannsikkerhetkurset kan du melde deg seg selv i StudentWeb fra 6. august.


If you are a 1st semester student on a bachelor's and 5-year master's program, you will be registered for the subject by the contact point for your program. If you are a master's student or for other reasons have not taken the fire safety course, you can register yourself in StudentWeb from 6 August.

Published June 28, 2024 1:59 PM - Last modified June 28, 2024 1:59 PM