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1: Incorporating the global: Mobility and Cosmopolitanism turns in sociology since 2000 (Mette Andersson)

@Tonkiss, F. (2010): ‘The British Journal of Sociology in the 2000s: sociology in a new century’, The British Journal of Sociology Vol. 61: 343-345. Full text.

@Urry, J. (2010): ‘Mobile sociology’, The British Journal of Sociology Vol. 61: 347-366. Full text.

@Kaufmann, V.  (2010): ‘Mobile social science: creating a dialogue between the sociologies’,  The British Journal of Sociology Vol. 61: 367-372. Full text.

@Knowles, C. (2010): ‘Mobile Sociology’, The British Journal of Sociology Vol. 61: 373-379. Full text.

@Beck, U. & Sznaider. N. (2010): ‘Unpacking cosmopolitanism for the social sciences: a research agenda’, The British Journal of Sociology Vol. 61: 381-403. Full text.

@Soysal, Y. N. (2010): ‘Unpacking cosmopolitanism: an insider-outsider’s reading’,   The British Journal of Sociology Vol. 61: 405-411. Full text.

@Glick-Schiller, N. (2010): ‘Old baggage and missing luggage: a commentary on Beck and Sznaider’s ‘Unpacking cosmopolitanism for the social sciences: a research agenda’, The British Journal of Sociology Vol. 61: 343-345. Full text.

2. Immigration and the Welfare State (Grete Brochmann)

*Brochmann, G. & D?lvik, J.E. (2006) ‘Is immigration an enemy of the welfare state?’ In: Papademetriou, D. (ed) Europe and its immigrants in the 21st century. Washington: Migration Policy Institute, ca 20 pages

*Brochmann, Grete and A. Hagelund (2012), Immigration Policy and the Scandinavian Welfare State 1945-2010 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan). Pp 1-25

3. Mechanisms of international migration (Grete Brochmann)

*Bosniak, L. (2009) ‘Citizenship, Noncitizenship, and the Transnationalization of Domestic Work’. In: Benhabib, S. & Resnik, J. (red) Migration and Mobilities. Citizenship, Borders, and Gender. New York: New York University Press, pp 127-156, 30 pages.

*Zolberg, Aristide R. (2006), A Nation by Design.: Immigration Policy in the Fashioning of America (New York: Russell Sage Foundation). pp1-23

4. Theories of International migration (Erlend Paasche)

@ Massey, D.S., Arango, J., G., Kouaouci, A., Pellegrino, A. and Taylor, J. E. (1993). ‘Theories of international migration: A review and reappraisal’, Population and Development Review, 19 (3): pp 431-466 (35 pages)

*Castles, Stephen and Mark J. Miller (2009) ‘Globalization, Development and Migration’ in Castles and Miller (2009) Age of Migration (side 50-78) (28 pages)

@ de Haas, Hein (2010): ‘The Internal Dynamics of Migration Processes: A Theoretical Inquiry’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10): 1587-1617. (30 pages) Full Text

@ Lutz, Helma (2010): ‘Gender in the Migratory Process’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10): 1647-1663 (16 pages) Full Text

@ Zetter, R. (2007). ‘More labels, fewer refugees: Remaking the refugee label in an era of globalization’, Journal of Refugee Studies, 20(2): pp 172-192, (20 pages). Full Text.

5. Transnationalism (Erlend Paasche)

@ Al-Ali, N., Black, R., Koser, K. (2001). ‘Refugees and transnationalism. The experience of Bosnians and Eritreans in Europe’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 27 (4): 615-634 (19 pages). Full Text.

@ Levitt, P. & B.N. Jaworsky (2007) Transnational Migration Studies: Past Developments and Future Trends. Annual Review of Sociology 33: 129-156, 28 pages Full Text

@ Paasche, E. and Fangen, K. (2012). ‘Transnational involvement: Reading quantitative studies in light of qualitative data’, International Journal of Population Research. (12 pages) Full Text.

@ Snel, E., Engbersen, G. and Leerkes, A. (2006). ‘Transnational involvement and social integration’, Global Networks, 6 (3): pp 285-308 (23 pages). Full Text.

@Vertovec, S. (1999) Conceiving and researching transnationalism. Ethnical and Racial Studies 22(2) 447-462, 16 pages. Full Text

6. Immigration and Carework (Jennifer Chernega)

@Cheng, Shu-Ju Ada. 2014. “Rethinking the Globalization of Domestic Service: Foreign Domestics, State Control, and the Politics of Identity in Taiwan.” Gender & Society. 17:2. Pp. 166-186. (20 pages)

@Liang, Li-Fang. 2011. “The Making of an “Ideal” Live-In Migrant Care Worker: Recruiting, Training, Matching and Disciplining.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. 34:11. Pp. 1815-1834. (19 pages)

*Parre?as, Rhacel Salazar. 2001. Servants of Globalization: Women Migration and Domestic Work. Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA. (Chapter 3) (19 pages)

@Seeberg, Marie. 2012. “Immigrant Careworkers and Norwegian Gender Equality: Institutions, Identities, Intersections.” European Journal of Women’s Studies. 19:2. Pp. 173-185. (13 pages).

7. Immigration and housing segregation (Jennifer Chernega)

@Br?m?, ?sa. 2008. “Dynamics of Ethnic Residential Segregation in G?teberg, Sweden, 1995-2000.” Population, Space and Place. 14:101-117. (16 pages)

*Maly, Michael. 2005. Beyond Segregation: Multiracial and Multiethnic Neighborhoods in the United States. Temple University Press: Philadelphia, PA. Chapters 1-2. Pp. 9-47. (36 pages)

@Putnam, Robert. 2007. “E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century, The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture.” Scandinavian Political Studies. 30:2. Pp. 137-174 (37 pages)

@Van der Waal, Jeroen; Willem de Koster; and Peter Achterberg. 2013. “Ethnic Segregation and Radical Right-Wing Voting in Dutch Cities.” Urban Affairs Review. 49:5. Pp. 748-777.

8: Migrant religious communities: Isolated islands? (Inger Furseth)

* Foley, Michael W. and Dean R. Hoge 2007. Religion and the New Immigrants, Ch. 1 , p. 23-55. (33s)

@ Furseth, Inger 2008. Social capital and immigrant religion. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 21(2): 147-164. (14s)

@ Levitt, Peggy 2004. Redefining the Boundaries of Belonging: The Institutional Character of Transnational Religious Life. Sociology of Religion 65 (1): 1-18. (18s)

9: Religious identity and practices among Muslims (Inger Furseth)

@ Furseth, Inger 2011. The hijab: Boundary work and identity negotiations among immigrant Muslim women in the Los Angeles area. Review of Religious Research 54(2): 365-385. (19s)

* Jacobsen, Christine 2011. The Quest for Authenticity: Islamization Amongst Muslim Youth in Norway. In European Muslims and the Secular State, edited by Jocelyne Cesari og Seán McLoughlin, p.155-168. Aldershot: Ashgate. (14s)

@ Nyhagen Predelli, Line 2004. Interpreting Gender in Islam: A Case Study of Gender Practice and Attitudes Among Migrant Muslim Women in Oslo, Norway. Gender & Society 18(4): 473-493. (20s)

10. Ethnicity and belonging (Katrine Fangen)

@ Brubaker, R. (2003) ‘Neither individualism nor ’groupism’. A reply to Craig Calhoun’ Ethnicities 3(4): 553-557, 5 pages Full Text

@ Calhoun, C. (2003) ‘Belonging’ in the cosmopolitan imaginary. Ethnicities 3(4): 531-553, 23 pages Full Text

@ Calhoun, C. (2003) The variability of belonging. A reply to Rogers Brubaker. Ethnicities 3(4): 558-568, 11 pages Full Text

@ Fangen, K. (2007) Breaking Up the Different Constituting Parts of Ethnicity. The Case of Young Somalis in Norway. Acta Sociologica 50(4): 401-414, 14 pages Full Text

@ Fangen, K. (2007) Citizenship among young adult Somalis in Norway, Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 15(4): 413-434 (21 pages). Full Text.

11: Immigration and far-right politics (Katrine Fangen)

@Moore, Harald F. (2010) Immigration in Denmark and Norway: Protecting Culture or Protecting Rights? Source: Scandinavian Studies, Vol. 82, No. 3, pp. 355-364

@M?rtensson, Ulrika (2014) Hate Speech and Dialogue in Norway: Muslims ‘Speak Back’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40:2, 230-248,

@ Fligstein, N., A. Polyakova, and W. Sandholtz ‘European Integration, Nationalism and European Identity’ Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(1): 106-122 (16 pages). Full Text.

@ Chandra, Uday (2013) A Case for a postcolonial approach to the study of politics, New Political Science, 35(3): 479-491 (12 pages) Full Text.

@ Diez, Thomas (2004) Europe’s Others and the Return of Geopolitics, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 17, Number 2, July 2004, 319-335 (16 pages) Full Text


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Published Nov. 13, 2014 12:49 PM - Last modified Apr. 10, 2015 9:52 AM