
SOSANT4100 Nyere antropologisk teori

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@Henrietta Moore (ed.) : Anthropological Theory Today, 1999 . Cambridge: Polity Press.

Av denne leses f?lgende kapitler:

Henrietta Moore : Anthropological Theory at the turn of the Century, i Henrietta Moore (ed.): Anthropological Theory Today, 1999. Cambridge: Polity Press. (s 1-23).

Carrier og Miller, : From Private virtue to public vice i Henrietta Moor (ed.) Anthropological Theory Today, 1997. Cambridge: Polity Press. (s. 24-47).

Henrietta Moore: Whatever happened to women and men? Gender and other Crises in Anthropology . iHenrietta Moore, (ed.) Anthropological Theory Today, 1999 . Cambridge: Polity Press. (s. 151-171).

Artikler i kompendium

Sherry Ortner : "Theory in Anthropology since the 1960’s", 1984. Comparative Studies in Society and History (26) . (s.126-166).

David Harvey : "The art of rent, globalization and the commodification of culture" iD. Harvey: Spaces of Capital , 2001. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press . (s.394-411).

Jorunn Solheim : "Kropp som symbolsk univers" i Den ?pne kroppen, 1998. Pax forlag . (s.59-78).

Chris Tilley : Space, place, landscape and perception. Phenomenological Perspectives. I Christopher Tilley, A phenomenology of landscape, 1994. Oxford Berg. (s. 7-34).

Arjun Appadurai: The Production of Locality i A.Apppadurai, Modernity at Large, 1996. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (s.178-199).

Michel Callon: Elementer til en oversettelsessosiologi: kamskjell, fiskere og forskere. I: K. Asdal, B. Brenna og I. Moser (ed.) Teknovitenskapelige kulturer, 2001 . Spartacus forlag. (s.91-124).

Ingold, Tim: The Temporality of Landscape. i Tim Ingold, The Percepction of the Environment , 2000. London: Routledge. s. 189-208.

Phil Macaghten and John Urry: Rethinking nature and society, I: Macnaghten and Urry: Contested Natures, 1998 . London: Sage. (s.1-31).

Barth, Fredrik : The Guru and the Conjurer, Transactions of knowledge and the shaping of culture in Southeast Asia and Melanesia, 1989. Man 25. Sidene 640-653 .

John. L. Comaroff : Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Politics of Difference. i E. Wilmsen og P. McAllister (red.)The Politics of Difference in an Age of Revolution , 1996. Chicago: Chicago University Press. (s.162-183) .

Geertz, Clifford : Ethos, World View and the Analysis of Sacred Symbols Interpretation of Cultures, 1973. New York: Basic books. sidene 126-141.

Claudia Strauss and Naomi Quinn : A cognitive/Cultural Anthropology. I: Rob Borofsky (ed.) Assessing Cultural Anthropology, 1994. Mc Graw Hill. (s.284-300).

Tsing, Anna : The Global Situation. I: J. Xavier og R. Rosaldo (red.) The anthropology of Globalization, 2002. Oxford: Blackwell. (s 453-485).

Bugge, Lars : Pierre Bourdieus teori om makt , 2000. Agora nr. 3-4 (temanummer om makt) . (s.224-248).

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland : Traditionalism and neoliberalism: The Norwegian folk dress in the 21st century. I Erich Kasten, red.: Culture as Property , 2004. Oxford: Berghahn. (ca. 25 s.).

Gupta, Akhil og James Ferguson : Discipline and practice: ?The field? as site, method, and location in anthropology. I Gupta og Ferguson, red.: Anthropological Locations , 1997. Berkeley: University of California Press. s. 1-46.

Hastrup, Kirsten : A Passage to Anthropology, 1995. London: Routledge. s. 9-44 (kap. 1 og kap. 2).

Lakoff, George og Mark Johnson : Metaphors we live by, 1980. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. s. 3-40 .

Leach, Edmund : Culture and Communication, 1976. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Introductio, kap. 1- kap 2 (s. 1-16) .

Shore, Bradd : Culture in Mind, 1996. Oxford: Oxford University Press. s. 3-41.

Spiro, Melford E. : Is the Western Conception of the Self "Peculiar" within the Context of the World Cultures?, 1993. Ethos, 21 (2) . s. 107-153 .

Selvvalgt pensum

Kursdeltakerne velger fritt 200 sider fra ett eller flere av verkene p? listen nedenfor, eller fra annen antropologisk faglitteratur relevant for masteroppgaven og/eller SOSANT4100. Informasjon om selvvalgt pensum stiftes bakp? hvert av de tre eksemplarene av hjemoppgaven.

Latour, Bruno: Science in Action, 1987 . Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (273s.).

Strathern, Marilyn : Partial Connections , 1991. Savage, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. (153 s.).

Douglas, Mary : How Institutions Think, 1987. London: Routledge. (146 s).

Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja : Magic, science, religion and the scope of rationality, 1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (187 s.).

Bourdieu, Pierre : Outline of a theory of practice, 1977. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press .

Lakoff, George : Women, Fire and Dangerous Things , 1987. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (614 s.) .

Publisert 11. mai 2004 15:07 - Sist endret 10. mai 2005 12:11