
Spr?k tanke handling v/ Halvard Vike

B?ker som m? kj?pes eller l?nes p? biblioteket

@ Kronenfeld, David B. : Plastic Glasses and Church Fathers. Semantic Extension form the Ethnoscience Tradition , 1996. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.

@ D’Andrade, Roy and Claudia Strauss (eds) : Human motives and cultural models, 1997. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

@ Srauss, Claudia and Naomi Quinn: A cognitive theory of cultural meaning, 1997. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Politikk og etnografi v/Christian Krohn-Hansen

I dette emnet vil vi arbeide med sp?rsm?l som disse: Hvordan kan en begrepsfeste og forst? ’det politiske’? Hvordan kan en forst? staten? Og ganske s?rlig: Hvorfor er det n?dvendig ? hevde at vi b?r s?ke ? forst? politisk liv og statsbyggingsprosesser ved hjelp av etnografi? Og hvilke ulike strategier for etnografisk arbeid med politikk og stat kan vi se nedfelt i kurslitteraturen?

B?ker som m? kj?pes eller l?nes p? biblioteket:

Das, Veena, and Deborah Poole (eds.): Anthropology in the Margins of the State , 2004. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research Press.

Krohn-Hansen, Christian, and Knut G. Nustad (eds.) : State Formation. Anthropological Perspectives, 2005. London: Pluto Press.

Urban antropologi v/ Anne Waldrop

Kurset er et litteraturseminar. Det er delt i 2 tematiske deler: Del 1: Sosialantropologi og urbane studier faghistorisk Del 2: Nyere eksempler p? studier i urbane felt.

Bok som m? kj?pes eller l?nes p? biblioteket:

@ Ulf Hannerz : Exploring the City. Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology, 1980. New York: Columbia University Press.

Artikler i kompendier

Del 1 Faghistorie

Hannerz, Ulf : Kap. 7:”Conclusion: The Construction of Cities and Urban Lives”i Exploring the City. Inqueries Toward an Urban Anthropology, 1980. Columbia University Press. (75 sider).

Sanjek, Roger : ”Urban Anthropology in the 1980’s: a world view” i Annual Review of Anthropology 19, 1990. sidene 151-86 (35 sider).

Low, Setha M. : ”The Anthropology of Cities: Imagining and Theorizing the City” i Annual Review of Anthropology 25, 1996. sidene 383-409 (26 sider).

Hannerz, Ulf : Kap. 2: ”Chicago Ethnographers” i Exploring the City , 1980. Sidene 19-59 (40 sider).

Hannerz, Ulf : Kap. 4: ”The View from the Copperbelt” i Exploring the City , 1980. Sidene 119-163 (44 sider).

Simmel, Georg : ”The Metropolis and Mental Life” i Press & Smith (eds): Urban Place and Process. Readings in the Anthropology of Cities , 1980 (1903). New York : Macmillan. Sidene 19-30 (11 sider).

Wirth, L. : ”Urbanism as a Way of Life” i American Journal of Sociology 44. Reprinted in Press & Smith (eds): Urban Place and Process. Readings in the Anthropology of Cities , 1938. New York: Macmillan. Sidene 30-48 (18 sider).

Bascom, William : ”Urbanization Among the Yoruba”, reprinted in Press & Smith (eds): Urban Place and Process. Readings in the Anthropology of Cities, 1980 (1955). New York: Macmillan. Sidene 48-61 (13 sider).

Epstein, A.L. : ”Urban Communities in Africa” in Max gluckmann (ed.): Closed Systems and Open Minds: The Limits of Na?vety in Social Anthropology, 1962. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company. Sidene 83-103 (20 sider).

Ferguson, James : “The Country and the City on the Copperbelt” in Gupta and Ferguson (eds.): Culture, Power, Place. Explorations in Critical Anthropology, 1997. Durham: Duke University Press. Sidene 137-154 (17 sider).

Gans, Herbert : ”The West End: An Urban Village” reprinted in Press & Smith (eds): Urban Place and Process. Readings in the Anthropology of Cities, 1980 (1962). New York: Macmillan. Sidene 352-362 (10 sider).

Lewis, Oscar : ”A Vecindad in Mexico City” extract reprinted in Press & Smith (eds): Urban Place and Process. Readings in the Anthropology of Cities, 1980 (1959). New York : Macmillan. Sidene 348-352 (4 sider).

Fox, Richard : ”Rationale and Romance in Urban Anthropology” partly reprinted in Press & Smith (eds): Urban Place and Process. Readings in the Anthropology of Cities, 1980 (1972). New York: Macmillan. Sidene 105-121 (14 sider).

Leeds, Anthony : ”The Anthropology of Cities: Some Methodological Issues” i R. Sanjek (ed): Cities, Classes, and the Social Order, 1994. Cornell University Press. Sidene 233-247 (14 sider).

Hannerz, Ulf : ”Methods in an African Urban Study” i Ethnos 41, 1976. Sidene 68-98 (30 sider).

Del 2 : Typer felt og urbane feltarbeid

Eames and Goode: ”Public Places” reprinted in Press & Smith (eds): Urban Place and Process. Readings in the Anthropology of Cities, 1980 ( 1977). New York: Macmillan. Sidene 337-348 (11 sider).

Kaviraj, Sudipta : ”Filth and the Public Sphere: Concepts and Practices about Space in Calcutta” i Public Culture 10 (1), 1997. Sidene 83-113 (30 sider).

Low, Setha M. : ”Spatializing Culture: The Social Production and Social Construction of Public Space in Costa Rica” i American Ethnologist 23 (4), 1996. Sidene 861-879 (18 sider).

Vidal, Denis : ”Markets and Intermediaries: An Enquiry about the Principles of Market Economy in the Grain Market of Delhi” in Dupont, Tarlo & Vidal (eds.): Delhi: Urban Space and Human Destinies, 2000. New Delhi: Manohar. Sidene 125-140 (15 sider).

Kapferer, Bruce : Utdrag fra Strategy and Transaction in an African Facory: African Workers and Indian Management in a Zambian Town , 1972. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Sidene xx-xxii & 1-26 (28 sider).

Hannerz, Ulf : ”The Setting” og ”Appendix: In the Field” i Soulside. Inquiries into Ghetto Culture and Community, 1969. Columbia university Press. Sidene 19-34 & 201-211 (25 sider).

Waquant, Lo?c : ”The Street and the Ring” i Body and Soul: Notebooks of an Apprentice Boxer , 2004. New York: Oxford University Press. Sidene 13-58 (45 sider).

Goldstein, Donna M : Kap. 1 og kap. 7 fra Laughter Out of Place: Race, Class, Violence, and Sexuality in a Rio Shantytown, 2003. Berkeley: University of California Press. Sidene 18-58 & 259-275 (55 sider).

Gullestad, Marianne : ”Kap. 2: The Fieldwork” in Kitchen-table Society , 1984. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Sidene 37-49 (12 sider).

Waldrop, Anne : ”Gating and Class Relations: The Case of a New Delhi ”Colony” in City & Society Vol. XVI No.2, 2004. Sidene 93-117 (24 sider).

Kaviraj, Sudipta : ”Filth and the Public Sphere: Concepts and Practices about Space in Calcutta” i Public Culture 10 (1), 1997. Sidene 83-113 (30 sider).

Publisert 25. okt. 2005 12:32 - Sist endret 29. nov. 2005 15:38