
SOSANT 4400 Litteraturseminar

@ B?ker som enten l?nes fra biblioteket, eller kj?pes i Akademika/annen bokhandel.

Seminargruppe 4: Analytiske perspektiver p? endring og kontinuitet

Foreleser: Aud Talle

@ Piot, Charles: Remotey Global: Village Modernity in West Africa, 1999. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press. (349 s).

@ Robbins, Joes:: Becoming Sinners: Christianity + Moral Torment in a Papua New Guinea Society, 2004. Berkeley, LA & London: University of California Press. (198 s).

@ Rudie, Ingrid: Visible Women in East Coast Malay Society: On the Reproduction of Gender in Ceremonial, School and Market, 1994. Scandinavia University Press. (s. 1 –86).

Seminargruppe 5: Trender i milj?antropologi

Foreleser: Arne Kalland

@ Dove, Michael & Carol Carpenter (eds.): Environmental Anthropology: A Historical Reader, 2008. Oxford: Blackwell.

@ Crate, Susan A. & Mark Nuttall (eds.): Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions, 2009. Left Coast Press.

Seminargruppe 6: The anthropology of value

Foreleser: Susanne Brandtst?dter

@ Graeber, David:: Towards an Anthropological Theory of Value. The False Coin of Our Own Dreams, 2001. Palgrave.

@ Sykes, Karen (ed.): Ethnographies of Moral Reasoning. Living Paradoxes of a Global Age, 2009. Palgrave.

@ Myers, Fred R. (ed.): The Empire of Things: regimes of Value and Material Culture, 2001. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press; Oxford: James Currey.

Publisert 13. okt. 2009 16:23 - Sist endret 30. nov. 2009 14:41