
Book (must be purchased):

Genese Marie Sodikoff, ed.: The Anthropology of Extinction: Essays on Culture and Species Death. Indiana University Press 2012.


Articles and book chapters (available on the Canvas site):

Bastian, Michelle: Encountering leatherbacks in multispecies knots of time. In Extinction Studies : Stories of Time, Death, and Generations, edited by Deborah Bird Rose, et al., Columbia University Press, 2017.

Bateson, Gregory: Ecology and Flexibility in Urban Civilization. In G. Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind, pp. 499–511. New York: Chandler 1972.

Duara, Prasenjit: Nationalism and the crises of global modernity. Nations and Nationalism, 2021, DOI: 10.1111/nana.12753.

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: The loss of diversity in the Anthropocene: Biological and cultural dimensions. Frontiers in Political Science, 2021.

Hoffmeyer, Jesper: From thing to relation: On Bateson's bioanthropology. In J. Hoffmeyer, ed., A Legacy for Living Systems, pp. 27–44. Berlin: Springer.

Jordheim, Helge & Espen Ytreberg: After Supersynchronization: How Media Synchronize the Social. Time and Society, 30 (3), 2021, 402-422.

Knox, Hannah: Thinking Like A Climate: Governing a City in Times of Environmental Change, chapter 1. Durham: Duke University Press 2020.

Kohn, Eduardo: How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human, Chapter 1. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Mathews, Andrew S.: Anthropology and the Anthropocene: Criticisms, Experiments, and Collaborations. Annual Review of Anthropology, 49: 67–82, 2020.

Ritzer, George: The Globalization of Nothing. SAIS Review, 23 (2): 189–200, 2003.

S?rlin, Sverker & Erik Isberg: Synchronizing Earthly Timescales: Ice, Pollen, and the Making of Proto-Anthropocene Knowledge in the North Atlantic Region. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111 (3): 717-728, 2021.

Wolkovich, E. M., B. I. Cook, K. K. McLauchlan & T. J. Davies: Temporal ecology in the Anthropocene. NASA Publications, 165, 2014.

Published Sep. 6, 2021 3:26 PM - Last modified Sep. 13, 2021 11:31 AM