Syllabus/achievement requirements

Literature marked with a C are to be found in an article compilation which can be bought from Kopiutsalget at Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus.

Articles from journals are available for free in E-journals that you will find by searching in the base of the University of Oslo Library

Allison, Graham (2012). "The Cuban missile crisis at 50: Lessons for U.S. foreign policy today". Foreign Policy 91 (4): 11-16. (6 p.)

Atran, S. and R. Axelrod 2008. "Reframing sacred values". Negotiation Journal, 24 (3): 221-246. (26 p.)

Beardsley, K. 2008. "Agreement without peace? International mediation and time inconsistency problems". American Journal of Political Science, 52 (4): 723-740. (18 p.)

Beardsley, K., D. M. Quinn, B. Biswas and J. Wilkenfeld 2006. "Mediation style and crises outcomes". Journal of Conflict Resolution, 50 (1): 58-86. (29 p.)

Bercovitch, J. and A. Kadayifci 2002. "Conflict mangament and Israeli-Palestinian conflict: The importance of capturing the "right moment". Asia-Pacific Review, 9 (2): 113-129. (17 p.)

Curran, D., J. Sebenius and M. Watkins 2004. "Two paths to peace: Contrasting George Mitchell in Northern Ireland with Richard Holbrooke in Bosnia-Herzegovina". Negotiation Journal, 20 (4): 513-537. (25 p.)

Death, Carl (2008). "No WSSD+5? Global environmental diplomacy in the twnety-first century". Environmental Politics 17 (1): 121-125. (4 p.)

Dupont, Christoph (1994). “Coalition theory: Using power to build cooperation”. I I. W. Zartman (red.) International multilateral negotiation: Approaches to the management of complexity. San Francisco: Jossey_bass Publishers: 148-177. (29 p.)

Dupont, Christoph (1996). "Negotiation as coalition building". International Negotiation, 1 (1): 47-64. (18 p.)

Dupont, Christoph (1994). “Coalition theory: Using power to build cooperation”. I I. W. Zartman (red.) International multilateral negotiation: Approaches to the management of complexity. San Francisco: Jossey_bass Publishers: 148-177. (29 p.)

Dupont, Christoph (1996). "Negotiation as coalition building". International Negotiation, 1 (1): 47-64. (18p.) Link

Grundig, F., J. Hovi, A. Underdal and S. Aakre 2012. "Self-enforcing Peace and Environmental Agreements: Toward Scholarly Cross-fertilization?", International Studies Review 14 (4). (25 p.)

Habeeb, Mark W. (1988). Power and tactics in international negotiations: How weak nations bargain with strong nations. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Kap. 1, 2, 3, 7. (51 p.) C

Hopmann, P. Terrence (1996). The negotiation process and the resolution of international conflicts. Columbia, South Carolina: The University of South Carolina Press. Chap. 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13. (129 p.) C

Kesgin, Baris and Juliet Kaarbo (2010). "When and how parliaments influence foreign policy: The case of Turkey's Iraq decision". International Studies Perspectives, 11: 19-36. (20 p.)

Luttwak, E. 1999. "Give war a chance". Foreign Affairs, 78 (4): 36-44. (9 p.)

Meerts, Paul W. (2005). “Entrapment in international negotiations”, i I. W. Zartman og G. Olivier Faure (red.), Escalation and negotiation in international conflicts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 111-140 (30 p.) C

Mnookin, Robert (2003). "Strategic barriers to dispute resolution: A comparison of bilateral and multilateral negotiations". Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 159: 199-220. (20 p.)

Muthoo, Abhinay (2000). “A non-technical introduction to bargaining theory”, World Economics, 1 (2): 145-166. (22 p.) Link

Oberthür, Sebastian (2011). "The European Union's performance in the international Climate change regime". Journal of European Integration, 33 (6): 667-682. (16 p.)

Poust, Paul (2012). "Does issue linkage work? Evidence from European alliance negotiations, 1860 to 1945". International Organization 66 (2): 277-310. (34 p.)

Pillar, Paul R. (1983). Negotiating peace: War termination as a bargaining process. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Chap.3. (54 p.) C

Pruitt, D. G. (1997). "Ripeness theory and the Oslo talks". International Negotiation, 2 (2): 237-250. (14 p.)

Rothstein, Robert L. (1984). "Regime-creation by a coalition of the weak: Lessons from NIEO and the integrated program for commodities". International Studies Quarterly, 28 (3): 307-328. (21 p.)

Sebenius (1983). “Negotiation arithmetic: Adding and subtracting issues and parties, International Organization 37 (2): 281-316. 36 s. Link

Seyfang, Gill and Andrew Jordan (2003). "The Johannesburg Summit and sustainable development: How effective are environmental mega-conferences?" In O. S. Stokke and ?. B. Thommessen (eds.) Yearbook of international cooperation on environment and development 2002/2003. London: Earthscan, pp. 19-26. (8 p.)

Stein, Janice G. (1985). “Structures, strategies, and tactics of mediation: Kissinger and Carter in the Middle East”, Negotiation Journal 1 (4): 331-347. 17 s. Link

Underdal, Arild (1983). “Causes of negotiation failure”, European Journal of Political Research, 11 (2): 183-195 13 s. Link

Underdal (1994). “Leadership theory: Rediscovering the arts of management” in I. W. Zartman (red.) International multilateral negotiation: Approaches to the management of complexity. San Francisco: Jossey_bass Publishers: 178-197. (19 p.) C

Underdal, Arild (2009). “Can international conferences be modeled?” in Aggestam and Jerneck (eds.), Diplomacy in theory and practice. Malm?: Liber AB, pp. 125-140 (16 p.) C

Waage, H. H. 2005. "Norway's role in the Middle East peace talks: Between a strong state and a weak belligerent". Journal of Palestine Studies, 34 (4): 6-24. (19 p.)

Watkins, Michael (2003). “Strategic simplification: Toward a theory of modular design in negotiation”. International Negotiation, 8 (1): 149-167 19 s. Link

Zartman, I. William og Rubin, Jeffrey Z. (2000). Power and negotiation. Ann Arbour: University of Michigan Press. Chap. 1 & 12. (49 p.) C

Total pages: 850

Published Oct. 3, 2012 3:37 PM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2013 4:53 PM