Syllabus/achievement requirements

Students attending Master's courses will be able to participate on a library course. At the course you will learn how to do searches in both national and international databases, and you will have the opportunity to search the articles that is on your curriculum.The course is voluntary, but we strongly recommend that students attend. More information to come.


Habeeb, W. M. 1988. Power and tactics in international negotiation: How weak nations bargain with strong nations. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 7.

Hopmann, T. 1996. The negotiation process and the resolution of international conflicts. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press. Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 and 13.

To be found in an article compilation which can be bought at Kopiutsalget at Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus

Meerts, Paul W. (2005). “Entrapment in international negotiations”, i I. W. Zartman og G. Olivier Faure (red.), Escalation and negotiation in international conflicts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 111-140

Pillar, P. R. 1983. Negotiating peace: War termination as a bargaining process. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Chapter 3.

Underdal, Arild (2009). "Can international conferences be modeled?" In Aggestam and Jerneck (eds.), Diplomacy in theory and practice. Malm?: Liber AB, pp. 125-140

Underdal, Arild (1994). “Leadership theory: Rediscovering the arts of management”. In I. W. Zartman (red.) International multilateral negotiation: Approaches to the management of complexity. San Francisco: Jossey-bass Publishers: 178-197

Zartman, I. William og Rubin, Jeffrey Z. (2000). Power and negotiation. Ann Arbour: University of Michigan Press. Kap. 1, 12.

Downloadable articles, books and other texts

You can search the articles and e-books in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library. This requires having access to and being logged onto the UiO system. Contact the Reference Services at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library if you have problems finding the literature.


Allison, Graham (2012). "The Cuban missile crisis at 50: Lessons for U.S. foreign policy today". Foreign Policy 91 (4): 11-16.

Atran, S. and R. Axelrod 2008. "Reframing sacred values". Negotiation Journal, 24 (3): 221-246

Beardsley, K. 2008. "Agreement without peace? International mediation and time inconsistency problems". American Journal of Political Science, 52 (4): 723-740

Beardsley, K., D. M. Quinn, B. Biswas and J. Wilkenfeld 2006. "Mediation style and crises outcomes". Journal of Conflict Resolution, 50 (1): 58-86

Bercovitch, J. and A. Kadayifci 2002. "Conflict mangament and Israeli-Palestinian conflict: The importance of capturing the "right moment". Asia-Pacific Review, 9 (2): 113-129.

Curran, D., J. Sebenius and M. Watkins 2004. "Two paths to peace: Contrasting George Mitchell in Northern Ireland with Richard Holbrooke in Bosnia-Herzegovina". Negotiation Journal, 20 (4): 513-537.

Death, Carl (2008). "No WSSD+5? Global environmental diplomacy in the twnety-first century". Environmental Politics 17 (1): 121-125

Dupont, Christoph (1994). “Coalition theory: Using power to build cooperation”. I I. W. Zartman (red.) International multilateral negotiation: Approaches to the management of complexity. San Francisco: Jossey_bass Publishers: 148-177.

Dupont, Christoph (1996). "Negotiation as coalition building". International Negotiation, 1 (1): 47-64.

GOP Congressional Leaders Denounce US-China Deal on Climate Change, Washington Post, Nov. 12, 2014

ovi, A. Underdal and S. Aakre 2012. "Self-enforcing Peace and Environmental Agreements: Toward Scholarly Cross-fertilization?", International Studies Review 14 (4).

Kesgin, Baris and Juliet Kaarbo (2010). "When and how parliaments influence foreign policy: The case of Turkey's Iraq decision". International Studies Perspectives, 11: 19-36.

Luttwak, E. 1999. "Give war a chance". Foreign Affairs, 78 (4): 36-44.

Mnookin, Robert (2003). "Strategic barriers to dispute resolution: A comparison of bilateral and multilateral negotiations". Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 159: 199-220.

Muthoo, A. 2000. "A non-technical introduction to bargaining theory". World Economics, 1 (2): 145-166.

Obama Build Environmental Legacy with 1970 Law, by Coral Davnenport, NYTimes, Nov. 26, 2014

Oberthür, Sebastian (2011). "The European Union's performance in the international Climate change regime". Journal of European Integration, 33 (6): 667-682.

Poust, Paul (2012). "Does issue linkage work? Evidence from European alliance negotiations, 1860 to 1945". International Organization 66 (2): 277-310

Pruitt, D. G. 1997. "Ripeness theory and the Oslo talks". International Negotiation, 2 (2): 237-250.

Rothstein, Robert L. 1984. "Regime-creation by a coalition of the weak: Lessons from NIEO and the integrated program for commodities". International Studies Quarterly, 28 (3): 307-328

Sebenius, J. 1983. "Negotiation arithmetic: Adding and subtracting issues and parties". International Organization, 37 (2): 281-316.

Secret Talks and a Private Letter: How the US-China Climate Deal was Done, The Guardian, Nov. 12, 2014

Seyfang, Gill and Andrew Jordan (2003). The Johannesburg Summit and sustainable development: How effective are environmental mega-conferences?" In O. S. Stokke and ?. B. Thommessen (eds.) Yearbook of international cooperation on environment and development 2002/2003. London: Earthscan, pp. 19-26

Stein, Janice G. (1985). “Structures, strategies, and tactics of mediation: Kissinger and Carter in the Middle East”, Negotiation Journal 1 (4): 331-347.

Underdal, Arild (1983) "Causes of negotiation failure", European Journal of Political Research 11: 183-195.

Waage, H. H. 2005. "Norway's role in the Middle East peace talks: Between a strong state and a weak belligerent". Journal of Palestine Studies, 34 (4): 6-24.

Watkins, Michael (2003). “Strategic simplification: Toward a theory of modular design in negotiation”. International Negotiation, 8 (1): 149-167

Zhang, Haibin, 2013. “China and International Climate Change Negotiations,” March 2013, WeltTrends Online-Dossier

Total required reading: ca. 885


Published Nov. 26, 2014 5:26 PM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2015 11:50 AM