
Bidrag merket K er trykket i kompendiet.

I Dalton, Russel J. & Martin P. Wattenberg: Parties without Partisans. Oxford: Oxford University Press (boken kj?pes):

? Bowler, Shaun (2002): “Parties in Legislatures: Two Competing Explanations”, kap. 8. 23 s.

? Caul, Miki L. & Mark M. Gray (2002): “From Party Declaration to Policy Outcomes”, kap.10. 30 s.

? Dalton, Russel J. & Martin P. Wattenberg (2002): “Partisan Change and the Democratic Process”, kap. 12, 24 s.

? Farrell, David & Paul Webb (2002): “Political Parties as Campaign Organizations”, kap. 6. 28 s.

? Scarrow, Susan E. (2002): “Parties without Members? Party Organization in a Changing Electoral Environment”, kap. 5. s. 23.

? Scarrow, Susan E., David Farrell & Paul Webb (2002): “From Social Integration to Electoral Contestation: The Changing Distribution of Power within Political Parties”, kap.7. 25 s.

? Str?m, Kaare: “Parties at the Core of Government”, kap. 9. 28 s.

Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd (2007): “Research Review: Political Parties and Interest Groups”, in Parties, Interest Groups and Democracy: Political Parties and their Relationship with Interest Groups in Norway. Dr. avhandling, Universitetet i Oslo. Oslo: Unipub. 26 s. Deles ut som kopi p? f?rste forelesning.

Allern, Elin H., Nicholas Aylott and Flemming J. Christiansen (2007): “Social Democrats and Trade Unions in Scandinavia: The Decline and Persistence of Institutional Relationships”, European Journal of Political Research 46 (5): 607–35. 29 s. Lenke

Allern, Elin H. & Karina Pedersen (2007): "The Impact of Party Organizational Changes on Democracy", West European Politics 30 (1): 69–92. 24 s. Lenke

Andeweg, Rudy B. (2000): ”Party Government, State and Society: Mapping Institutional Boundaries”, kap. 3 i Blondel, Jean & Maurizio Cotta (red.): The Nature of Party Government. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 18 s. K

Bagehot, Walter (2002): “Parties and the House of Commons”, kap. 18 i Susan E. Scarrow (red.): Perspectives on Political Parties. Classic Readings. London: Palgrave. 6 s. K

Biezen, Ingrid van (2005): ”On the Theory and Practice of Party Formation and Adaptation in New Democracies”, European Journal of Political Research 44: 147-174. 27 s. Lenke

Biezen, Ingrid van & Petr Kopeck? (2007): “The State and the Parties: Public Funding, Public Regulation and Rent-Seeking in Contemporary Democracies”, Party Politics 13 (2): 235–254. 20 s. Lenke

Crotty, William (2006): “Party Transformations. The United States and Western Europe”, kap. 43 i Richard S. Katz & William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 16 s.

Daalder, Hans (2001): “The Rise of Parties in Western Democracies”, kap. 2 i Diamond, Larry & Richard Gunther (red.): Political Parties and Democracy. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 12 s. K

Duverger (1990): “Caucus, Branch, Cadre Parties and Mass Parties”, kap. 3 i Mair, Peter (red.): The West European Party System. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 13 s. K

Enyedi, Zsolt (2006): “Party Politics in Post-communist Transition”, kap. 19 i Richard S. Katz & William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 11 s.

Harmel, Robert (2002): “Party Organizational Change: Competing Explanations?”, kap. 6 i Luther, Richard & Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (red.): Political Parties in the New Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 24 s. K

Heidar, Knut (2006): “Party Membership and Participation”, kap. 25 i Richard S. Katz & William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 15 s.

Heidar, Knut & Jo Saglie (2002, kap. 6 & 7): Hva skjer med partiene. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. 46 s.

Heidar, Knut & Ruud Koole (2000, kap. 2, 15): Parliamentary Party Groups in European Democracies: Political parties behind closed doors. London: Routledge. 42 s. K

Katz, Richard S. & Peter Mair (1995): “Changing Models of Party Organization and Party Democracy: The Emergence of the Cartel Party”, Party Politics 1: 5-28. 24 s. Lenke

Keeman, Hans (2006): “Parties and Government: Features of Governing in Representative democracies”, kap. 14 i Katz, Richard S. & William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 16 s.

Kirchheimer (1990): “The Catch-all Party”, kap. 5 i Mair, Peter (red.): The West European Party System. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 11 s. K

Mainwaring, Scott & Mariano Torcal (2006): “Party System Institutionalization and Party System Theory after the Third Wave of Democratization”, kap. 18 i Katz, Richard S. & William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 24 s.

Mainwarning, Scott & Edurne Zoco (2007): “Political Sequences and the Stabilization of Interparty Competition: Electoral Volatility in Old and New Democracies”, Party Politics 13 (2): 155–178. 24 s. Lenke

Mair, Peter (2005) “Democracy Beyond Parties”. Working paper, Center for the Study of Democracy University of California, Irvine, USA , available at: 27 s.

Mair, Peter (2006): “Party System Change”, kap. 7 i Katz, Richard S. & William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 11 s.

Margetts, Helen (2006): “Cyber Parties”, kap. 45 i Richard S. Katz & William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 8 s.

May, David (1973): “Opinion Structure of Political Parties”, Political Studies 21: 135-151. 17 s. Lenke

Müller, Wolfgang (2000): “Political Parties in Parliamentary Democracies: Making Delegation and Accountability Work”, European Journal of Political Research 37: 309–333. 25 s. Lenke

Narud, Hanne M. & Henry Valen (2007, kap. 7): Demokrati og ansvar. Oslo: N.W. DAMM & S?NN. 29 s. K

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2008): ”Nominasjoner til valg: Hvem deltar? Og spiller det noen rolle?”, Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 49 (4). Ca. 28 s. Lenke

Norris, Pippa (2006): “Party Recruitment”, kap. 9 i Katz, Richard S. & William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 20 s.

Ostrogorski, Mosei (2002): “Democracy and the Organization of Political Parties” , kap. 34 i Susan E. Scarrow (red.): Perspectives on Political Parties. Classic Readings. London: Palgrave. 21 s.

Poguntke, Thomas (2006): “Political Parties and Other Organizations”, kap. 33 i Katz, Richard S. & William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 10 s.

Randall, Vicky (2006): “Political Parties and Social Structure in the Developing World”, kap. 32 i Richard S. Katz & William Crotty (red.), Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 9 s.

Scarrow, Susan E (2002): “Introduction”, kap. 1 i Scarrow, Susan E. (red.): Perspectives on Political Parties. Classic Readings. London: Palgrave. 26 s.

Scarrow, Susan E. (2006): “Party Subsidies and Freezing of Party Competition: Do Cartel Mechanisms Work?”, West European Politics 29: 619–639. 20 s. Lenke

Str?m, Kaare & Wolfgang Müller (1999): “Political Parties and Hard Choices”, kap. 1 i Müller, Wolfgang & Kaare Str?m (red.): Policy, Office or Votes? How political Parties in Western Europe Make Hard Decisions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 36 s. K

Tocqueville, Alexis de (2002): “Parties in the United States”, kap. 23 i Susan E. Scarrow (red.): Perspectives on Political Parties. Classic Readings. London: Palgrave. 7 s.

Volkens, Andrea & Hans-Dieter Klingemann (2002): ”Parties, Ideologies and Issues. Stability and Change in Fifteen European Party Systems 1945-1998”, kap. 7 i Luther, Richard & Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (red.): Political Parties in the New Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 25 s. K

Ware, Alan (1996 kap. 1, 17-48): Political Parties and Party Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 31 s.

White, John Kennet (2006): “What is a Political Party”, i Richard S. Katz & William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 11 s.

Wolinetz, Steven (2006): “Party Systems and Party System Types”, kap. 6 i Richard S. Katz & William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 12 s.

Sum pensum: 982 sider.

Publisert 23. okt. 2008 18:24 - Sist endret 3. apr. 2009 12:49