Obligatorisk aktivitet 23.november

Module 4. Empirical Methods: Obligatory Assignment. 23 Nov.

This assignment is scheduled early on in the time plan of the module so that the students have enough time to prepare for the exam. The assignment should not be too time demanding.


Please choose a case study of your interest. If you do not have one, you can choose one of these three:

-          Biometrics

-          Social media

-          Human enhancement technologies


Once you have chosen a case:

1.      Get to know it better empirically (do some brief exploratory research)

2.      Choose one of the qualitative methods that have been introduced in the module

3.      Produce a brief research design: How would you carry out your research?

4.      Present it in class (5-10 min) or write a short description (1000 words max)

Publisert 16. nov. 2017 12:58 - Sist endret 16. nov. 2017 12:58