Syllabus/achievement requirements



Callon, Michel, Lascoumes, Pierre & Barthe, Yannick (2009) Acting in an Uncertain World: An Essay on Technical Democracy. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press (287 pp)

Collins, Harry & Evans, Robert (2007): Rethinking Expertise. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (160 pp).


Articles to download:


Antoniades, Andreas (2003) “Epistemic Communities, Epistemes and the Construction of (world) Politics. Global Society 17(1): 21-38.

Asdal, Kristin (2008) “Enacting Things through Numbers: Taking Nature into Account/ing”. Geoforum 39(1): 123-132.

Asdal, Kristin (2011) “The Office: The Weakness of Numbers and the Production of Non-Authority”. Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(1): 1-9.

Barben, Daniel (2007) “Changing Regimes of Science and Politics: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives for a World in Transition”. Science and Public Policy 34(1): 55–69.

Barthe, Yannick (2009) “Framing Nuclear Waste as a Political Issue in France”. Journal of Risk Research 12(7): 941-954.

Brante, Thomas & Margareta Hallberg (1991) “Brain or Heart? The Controversy over the Concept of Death”. Social Studies of Science 21: 389-413.

Callon, Michel (1999) “The Role of Lay People in the Production and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge”. Science, Technology & Society 4(1): 81-94.

Collins, H. M. (1981) “Introduction: Stages in the Empirical Programme of Relativism”. Social Studies of Science 11(1): 3-10.

Farseth?s, Hans Christian (2009) “Disiplin, biopolitikk og regjering”. Agora no. 2-3. Available online:

Felt, Ulrike, Maximilian Fochler & Peter Winkler (2010) “Coming to Terms with Biomedical Technologies in Different Technopolitical Cultures: A Comparative Analysis of Focus Groups on Organ Transplantation and Genetic Testing in Austria, France, and the Netherlands”. Science, Technology & Human Values 35(4): 525-553.

Guston, David H. (2008) “Innovation Policy: Not just a Jumbo Shrimp”. Nature 454: 940-941.

Guston, David H. (2012) “The Pumpkin or the Tiger? Michael Polanyi, Frederick Soddy, and Anticipating Emerging Technologies”. Minerva 50(3): 363–379.

Guston, David H. & Daniel Sarewitz (2002) “Real-Time Technology Assessment”. Technology in Society 24(1-2): 93-109.

Hulme, Mike (2010) “Problems with Making and Governing Global Kinds of Knowledge”. Global Environmental Change 20(4): 558-564.

Irwin, Alan (2006) ”The Politics of Talk: Coming to Terms with the ‘New’ Scientific Governance”. Social Studies of Science 36(2): 299-320.

Jasanoff, Sheila & Hyun-Sang Kim (2009) “Containing the Atom: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and Nuclear Power in the United States and South Korea”. Minerva 47(2): 119-146.

Karlsson, Bengt G (2013) “Writing Development”. Anthropology today 29(2): 4-7.

de Laet, Marianne & Annemarie Mol (2000) “The Zimbabwe Bush Pump: Mechanics of a Fluid Technology”. Social Studies of Science 30(2): 225-263.

Latour, Bruno (1998) “From the World of Science to the World of Research?”. Science 280 (5361): 208-209.

Latour, Bruno (2004) “Why Has Critique Run out of Steam? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern”. Inquiry 30(2): 225-248.

Law, John (2010) “Care and Killing: Tensions in Veterinary Practice”. In Care in Practice. On Tinkering in Clinics, Homes and Farms, edited by Mol, Moser and Pols. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. Available online:

Marres, Noortje (2007) “The Issues Deserve More Credit: Pragmatist Contributions to the Study of Public Involvement in Controversy”. Social Studies of Science 37(5): 759-780.

Miller, Clark A. (2007) “Democratization, International Knowledge Institutions, and Global Governance”. Governance 20(2): 325-357.

Moser, Ingunn (2011) “Dementia and the Limits to Life: Anthropological Sensibilities, STS Interferences, and Possibilities for Action in Care”. Science, Technology & Human Values 36(5): 704-22.

Mosse, David (2013) “The Anthropology of International Development”. Annual Review of Anthropology 42: 227-246.

Nelkin, Dorothy (1975) “The Political Impact of Technical Expertise”. Social Studies of Science 5(1): 35-54.

Pols, Jeannette (2006) “Washing the Citizen: Washing, Cleanliness and Citizenship in Mental Health Care”. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 30(1): 77-104.

Rabinow, Paul & Rose, Nikolas (2006) “Biopower Today”. Biosocieties 1(2): 195-217.

Rose, Nikolas (2001) “The Politics of Life Itself”. Theory, Culture, Society 18(6): 1-30.

Rottenburg, Richard (2000) “Accountability for development aid”, pp. 143-173 in Facts and figures. Economic representations and practices. Jahrbuch ?konomie und Gesellschaft 16, edited by Kalthoff, Herbert, Richard Rottenburg and Hans-Jürgen Wagener. Marburg: Metropolis. Available online:

Travis, G.D.L. (1981) “Replicating Replication? Aspects of the Social Construction of Learning in Planarian Worms”. Social Studies of Science 11(1): 11-32.

Venturini, Tommaso (2010) “Diving in Magma: How to Explore Controversies with Actor-Network Theory”. Public Understanding of Science 19(3): 258-273.

Venturini, Tommaso (2012) “Building on Faults: How to Represent Controversies with Digital Methods”. Public Understanding of Science 21(7): 796-812.

Wynne, Brian (1993) “Public Uptake of Science: A Case for Institutional Reflexivity”. Public Understanding of Science 2(4): 321-337.

Wynne, Brian (2003) “Seasick on the Third Wave? Subverting the Hegemony of Propositionalism”. Social Studies of Science 33(3): 401-417.



Mimeographed papers:


Asdal, Kristin, and Eivind Jacobsen (2009) “Innledende essay: ? b?re forbrukeransvar”. In Forbrukerens ansvar, edited by Asdal and Jacobsen, pp. 9-30. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Barthe, Yannick, Elam, Mark & Sundqvist, G?ran (2014) “Two Ways for Democracy to Absorb Technological Conflicts: Negotiating nuclear waste in France and Sweden”

Foucault, Michel (2002) “Regjering”. In Forelesninger om regjering og styringskunst. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk.

Sundqvist, G?ran (2014) “Heating Up” or “Cooling Down”? Analysing and Perfor-ming Technoscientific Conflicts, forthcoming in Environment & Planning A.

Thompson, Charis (2005) “Agency through Objectification: Subjectivity and Technology”. In Making Parents: The Ontological Choreography of Reproductive Technologies, pp. 179-204. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.

Published Dec. 9, 2013 9:54 AM - Last modified Dec. 9, 2013 9:54 AM