
  • BOOKS (ca. 410 pp):

Coward, Harold G. (2000), Pluralism in the world religions a short introduction ([Rev. edn., [Oneworld short guides]; Oxford: Oneworld) VIII, 184 s.

Johnston, Douglas (2003), Faith-based diplomacy trumping realpolitik (Oxford: Oxford University Press) XXI, 270 s.

  • ARTICLES (ca. 340 pp):

Gender perspectives (25 pp):

Grung, Anne Hege (2008), 'Including Gender Perspective in Muslim-Christian Dialogue in Europe and Scandinavia - A Disturbance to Bridge-Building or a Contextual Necessity?' in Tormod Engelsviken (ed.), Mission to the world communicating the Gospel in the 21st century : essays in honour of Knud J?rgensen (Regnum studies in mission; Oxford: Regnum), pp. 289-97. (Fronter Text Archive)

King, Ursula (1998), 'Feminism - the missing dimension in the dialogue of religions', in John d'Arcy May and Irish School of Ecumenics (eds.), Pluralism and the religions the theological and political dimensions (London: Cassell), 15 pp. (Fronter Text Archive)

Faith and politics in Christian-Muslim relations (85 pp):

Esposito, John L. (2008) Pluralism in Muslim-Christian Relations. p. 35 pp, online database

Goddard, Hugh (2000), 'Christian-Muslim Relations: a look backwards and a look forwards', Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, (2:2000), 15pp. Tekstarkiv

Leirvik, Oddbj?rn (2009 ), 'The Cartoon Controversy in Norway: The New Christian Right and Liberal Fundamentalism confronting Islam?' in Ulrika M?rtensson (ed.), Communicating "Fundamentalism" in the Global Public Sphere (3 Mass Media and Popular Culture; London: I.B. Tauris ), 15 pp. (Fronter Text Archive)

A common word between Us and You (2007) A letter from 138 Muslim leaders to Christian leaders worldwide. p. 15 pp, online database

Catholic-Muslim Forum (2008), Final Declaration of the First Seminar of the Catholic-Muslim Forum, November 2008. online database

Christian-Buddhist relations (50 pp):

Thelle, Notto R. (2002), The Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Japan - Historical Perspectives and Personal Reflections after a Visit to Korea (non-published paper) 16 pp. (Fronter Text Archive)

Thelle, Notto R. (2003), 'The Christian Encounter with Japanese Buddhism', in Mark R. Mullins (ed.), Handbook of Christianity in Japan, 20pp. (Fronter Text Archive)

Thelle, Notto R. (2005), 'Relation, awareness, and energy - three languages, three worlds?' Japanese Religions vol. 30, pp. 113-27. (Fronter Text Archive)

Global conflict, global ethics (100 pp):

World Parliament of Religions (1993), Declaration Toward a Global Ethic. p. 15 pp, online database

Hedges, Paul (2008), 'Concerns about the Global Ethic. A Sympathetic Critique and Suggestions for a New Direction', Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, (2: 2008), pp. 153-65. (Fronter Text Archive)

Küng, H. (2008), 'Global Politics and Global Ethic: A New Paradigm of International Relations', in Sturla J. St?lsett (ed.), Religion in a Globalised Age: Transfers and Transformations, Integration and Resistance, 14 pp. (Fronter Text Archive)

Leirvik, Oddbj?rn (2002), 'Global ethics and moral disagreement after September 11, 2001. A Christian-Muslim perspective', Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, (1:2002), pp. 18-28. Online dokument

Huntington, S. (1993), 'The Clash of Civilizations?' Foreign Affairs Summer, (72/3:1993), s. 22-49. Online dokument

Said, E. W. (2001), 'The Clash of Ignorance', The Nation, (October 21), 4 pp. Online dokument

Sen, Amartya (2006), 'What clash of civilizations? Why religious identity isn’t destiny', Slate Magazine, (March), 5pp. Online dokument

Oslo Coalition (2008) Missionary Activities and Human Rights: Proposing a Code of Conduct regarding Missionary Activities. p. 10 pp, online database

Theology and pluralism (80 pp):

Askari, Hasan (1972), 'The Dialogical Relationship between Christianity and Islam', Journal of Ecumenical Studies, (9:1972), pp. 477-88. (in Fronter text archive)

Knitter, Paul F. (2007), '’My God is bigger than your God!’ Time for another axial shift in the history of religions', Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, (1:2007), 17pp. (in Fronter text archive)

Leirvik, Oddbj?rn (2006), 'The double meaning of recognition in interreligious theology', Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon, (3-4:2006), pp. 283-96. Online database

Winter, Tim (1999), 'The Last Trump Card. Islam and the Supersession of Other Faiths', Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, (9(2):1999), pp. 133-55. (in Fronter text archive)

World Council of Churches (2003), Ecumenical considerations for dialogue and relations with people of other religions. p. 15 pp, “online database”:

Church of Norway (2008), Guiding principles for interreligious relations. p. 6 pp, online database

  • ELECTIVE STUDY (ca. 250 pp):

An elective study (ca. 250 pp) of one aspect of interreligious relations or of a particular case (interreligious relations in a particular context). Here are a few examples:

  • Sturla J. St?lsett and Oddbj?rn Leirvik (eds.) (2004), The Power of Faiths in Global Politics. (Oslo: Novus Press)

  • Mark Juergensmeyer (2003), Terror in the Mind of God. The Global Rise of Religious Violence. (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press)

  • Kate Zebiri (1997), Muslims and Christian Face to Face (Oxford: Onewold)

  • Farid Esack (1997), Qur’an, Liberation and Pluralism. An Islamic Perspective of Interreligious Solidarity Against Oppression. (Oxford: Onewold)

  • Knitter, P. F. (2002), Introducing Theologies of Religion (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books)

  • Michael Barnes (2002), Theology and the Dialogue of Religions, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

  • Or contextual case studies - for instance:
Abu-Nimer, M.; Khoury, A. I. and Welty, E. (2007): Unity in Diversity. Inter Faith Dialogue in the Middle East (Washington DC: USIP)

Published Nov. 26, 2008 9:34 PM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2009 4:15 PM