
B?ker som m? kj?pes eller l?nes p? biblioteket

Arendt, Hannah (1998) [1958], The Human Condition, Chicago Press

Butler, Judith (2015), Notes toward a Performative Theory of Assembly, Harvard University Press

Mouffe, Chantal (2015), Om det politiske, Cappelen  Damm Akademisk (160 s)

Stephenson, Barry (2015), Ritual. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press (120 s)

Teitelbaum, Benjamin R. (2017), Lions of the North. Sounds of the New Radical Nationalism, Oxford University Press


Demokrati, politikk, teologi og feministisk kritikk (420 s.)

Grayling, A. C. (2017) Democracy and Its Crisis, OneWorld Publications, s. 1-48    

Mouffe, Chantal (2015), Om det politiske, Cappelen  Damm Akademisk, s. 7-151


Biesta, Gert J. J. (2006) Education and the Democratic Person. Beyond Learning. Democratic Education for a Human Future, Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, s.117-145


Iversen, Lars Laird (2014), Norge som uenighetsfellesskap. Uenighetsfellesskapet. Blikk p? demokratisk samhandling, Universitetsforlaget, s. 114-127


Koch, Hal (2005) [1945] Hvad er demokrati? K?benhavn (utdrag) (10 s)

L?gstrup, K.E. (1981) Skolens Form?l. Skolens Form?l – debat om skolens opgave,red. Peter Lauridsen og Ole Varming (foredrag ved Danmarks L?rerh?jskole 21. sept 1981)


Robbins, Jeffrey W. (2011) The Theopolitics of Democracy. Radical Democracy and Political Theology, Columbia University Press, s. 155-179


Butler, Judith (2015), Can One Lead a Good Life in a Bad Life? Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly, Harvard University Press, s. 193-219


Tremlett, Paul-Francois (2016), Affective Dissent in the Heart of the Capitalist Utopia: Occupy Hong Kong and the Sacred, Sociology 50 (6), s. 1156-1169.


Halsaa, Beatrice (2013), Mobilisering av svart og samisk feminisme. Krysningspunkter, Beret Br?ten & Cecilie Thuen (red.), Oslo: Akademika, s. 209-251


Mansbridge, Jane (1993), Feminism and Democratic Community, Nomos, Vol. 35 Democratic Community (1993), s. 339-375


Pateman, Carole (1989), The Fraternal Social Contract, The Disorder of Women, Stanford U Press, s. 33-57


Ritualer, performativitet, samhandling (440 s)

Stephenson, Barry (2015), Ritual. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press (ca. 60 s)

Turner, Victor (1974), Social Dramas and Ritual Metaphors. Dramas, Fields and Metaphors. Symbolic Action in Human Society, Cornell University Press, s. 23-59

Delattre, Roland A. (1978), Ritual Resourcefulness and Cultural Pluralism. Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 61, No 3 (Fall 1978), s. 281-301,


Grimes, Ronald L (2006), Ritualizing September 11, Rite Out of Place. Ritual, Media and the Art, Oxford University Press, s. 73-86


Alexander, Jeffrey C. (2006), From the depths of despair: performance, counterperformance, and “September 11”. Social Performance. Symbolic Action, Cultural Pragmantics and Ritual, Cambridge University Press, s. 91-114


Sennett, Richard (2012), Together. The Rituals, Pleasures and Politics of Co-operation, Yale University Press, s. 247-273


Arendt, Hannah (1998) [1958], The Human Condition, Chicago Press, s. 7-78; 230-247


Butler, Judith (2015), Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly, Harvard University Press, s. 1-122


Young, James E. (1992) The Counter-Monument: Memory against Itself in Germany Today, Critical Inquiry, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Winter, 1992), s. 267-296,


Foucault, Michel (2006) Of Other Spaces. Visual Culture, Volume III, red. Joanne Morra and Marquard Smith, Routledge, s. 93-101


Heidegger, Martin (1971) Building, Dwelling, Thinking. Poetry, Language, Thought, New York: Harper Colophon Books, (20 s)


Case: 22 juli 2011

Breiviks ideologi – mellom radikal nasjonalisme og nyfascisme(170 s)

Teitelbaum, Benjamin R. (2017), Lions of the North. Sounds of the New Radical Nationalism, Oxford University Press, s. 1-59; s. 121-173


Griffin, Roger (2000), Interregnum or endgame? The radical right in the ‘post-fascist’ era, Journal of Political Ideologies, 5:2, s. 163-178


Wolff, Elisabetta Cassina (2014), Apoliteia and Tradition in Julius Evola as Reaction to Nihilism, European Review, Vol 22, No 2, s. 258-273


Miller-Idriss, Cynthia (2017), Soldier, sailor, rebel, rule breaker: masculinity and the body in the German far right, Gender and Education, 29:2, s. 199-215


Breiviks terrorisme – nasjonalistisk motivert vold  versus demokratisk respons (121 s.)

Jurgensmeyer, Mark (2017) “Anders Behring Breivik, Defender of Christendom” (s.20-23), “Theater of Terror” (s. 149-181), Terror in the Mind of God. The global rise of religious violence, University of California Press


Gardell, Mattias (2014) Crusader Dreams: Oslo 22/7, Islamophobia, and the Quest for a Monocultural Europe, Terrorism and Political Violence, 26:129-155


Salomonsen, Jone (2017) ?Det som Gud skapte mest likt sitt bilde?. Totalit?r livstolkning og teologisk respons, Skapelsesn?de. Festskrift til Svein Aage Christoffersen, red. Stine Holte, Roger Jensen og Marius Timmann Mjaaland, Oslo: Novus Forlag, s.185-212


Vold, Tonje (2012) ? holde fast i 22. juli. Rettssaken, traumet og de personlige fortellingene. Samtiden 2/2012, s. 5-19


Knudsen, Jan Sverre  (2014) Den nasjonale minneseremonien etter 22. Juli 2011, Musikk etter 22. juli, red Jan Sverre Knudsen, Marie Strand Sk?nland, Gro Trondalen, Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse, Norges Musikkh?gskole, vol 7, 2014:5, s. 49-72


Respons: Minneritualer og demokrati. Tekster fra REDO prosjektet om 22. juli 2011 (blir utdelt i timen) (97 s)

D?ving, Cora Alexa (2017) “Homeland ritualised: an analysis of written messages placed at temporary memorials after the terrorist attacks on 22 July 2011 in Norway”, Mortality. Promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dying (published July 4, 2017) (16 s)


H?eg, Ida Marie (2015), “Silent actions – emotion and mass mourning rituals after the terrorist attacks in Norway on 22 July 2011”. Mortality. Promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dying, Volume 20 (3), s. 197-214 (17 s)

Lenz, Claudia (2018), ?22. juli fortellinger og forhandlingen om hva terroren skal bety for fremtiden?, Tidsskrift for kulturforskning, 2/2018, (21 s)

Hafstad, Kjetil (2018), ?Kampen mot det onde? (12 s)

Folkvord, Ingvild (2018), ?Et relasjonelt perspektiv p? ritualet og loven. Med rettsaken mot Breivik som eksemplarisk case? (paper 15 s)

Salomonsen, Jone (2018), “Rettsaken mot Breivik: fra ritualisert drama til agonistisk demokrati” (16 s)


Publisert 22. mai 2018 13:37 - Sist endret 14. aug. 2018 08:20