
Topic 1 constructivism and Social Cultural Perspectives

Driver, R: Constructing Scientific Knowledge in the Classroom Educational Researcher, 1994.

Osborne, Jonathan: Beyond Constructivism. Science Education 80 (1): 53-82, 1996.

Leach, J. and Scott, P. (2003). Individual and sociocultural views of learning in svience educationScience and Education, 12 (1), 91-113

Sfard, Anna (1998) On Two Metaphors for Learning and the Dangers of Choosing Just OneEducational Researcher, Vol 27, No.2

Recent documents on science teaching in Europe

Beyond 2000

Science Education NOW. A renewed pedagogy for the future of Europe

Science Education in Europe – A report to the Nuffield Foundation coming

Topic 2

Recent documents on science teaching in Europa

Beyond 2000

Science Education NOW. A renewed pedagogy for the future of Europe

Science Education in Europe – A report to the Nuffield Foundation coming

Topic 3

Science Curriculum (STS)

Roberts, Douglas: Developing the concepts of curriculum emphases in science education. Science Education (66)243-260, 1982.

Soloman, Joan and Aikenhead, Glen: STS Education - international perspectives on reform., 1994. New York, Teachers College Press. Part 1: Chapters 1-4.

Soloman, Joan. : The Dilemma of Science, Technology and Society Educational. In Development and Dilemmas in Science Educational. Peter Fenshem. ed. , The Falmer Press.

Zeider, Dans L., Sadler, Troy, D. Smmons, Michael, L. and Howes, Elaine, V: Beyond STS: A research-based framework for socioscientific issues education, 2005. Science Education 89: 357-377.

Cobern, William W: Worldview theory and conceptual change in science education, 1996. Science Education 80: 579-610.

Glen Aikenhead: Renegotiating the culture of school science. In Improving Science Education - the contribution of research. Edited by Robin Millar, John Leach and Jonathan Osborne. Open university Press, 2000.

Topic 3

?Language and Science Teaching?

Driver, R., Newton, P., and Osborne, J. (2000) Establishing the Norms of Scientific Argumentation in Classrooms. Science Education (84) 287-31|2.

Richard A. Duschl and Jonathan Osborne (2002) Supporting and Promoting Argumentation Discourse in Science Education. Studies in Science Education, 38.

Jerry Wellington and Jonathan Osborne (2001). Language and Literacy in Science Education. Chapter 6: Discussion in school science: learning science through talking (82-102) Open University Press.

Eduardo F. Mortimer and Philip H. Scott (2003) Meaning Making in Secondary Science Classrooms. Chapter 1-2 (1-22). Open University Press.

Additional Reading:

Feminist Science Education. Angela Calabrese Barton

Naturfagdidaktikk. Perspektiver, forskning, utvikling. Doris Jorde og Berit Bungum (red)

The Nature of Science in Science Education. William F. McComas.

Science Matters. Achieving scientific literacy. Robert M. Hazen and James Trefil.

Making Sense of Secondary Science. Research into children’s ideas. Rosalind Driver.

Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning. Dorothy Gabel.

International Handbook of Science Education

Scott, P.H., Leach, J.T. and Asoko, H. "Student conceptions and conceptual learning in science" in: S. Abell and N. Lederman (Ed.) The Handbook of Research on Science Education.. Erlbaum.

The Practice of Constructivism in Science Education. Kenneth Tobin (ed)

Constructivism in Science Education. A Philosophical Examination. Michael R. Matthews (ed).

The Re-emergance of Values in Science Educaction. Corrigan, Dillon and Gunstone (eds).

Articles from journals:

International Journal of Science Education Nordina Science Education Science and Education Journal of Research in Science Education RISE Etc.

Publisert 24. apr. 2007 21:18 - Sist endret 13. aug. 2007 18:11