
Pensum v?ren 2006 (med muligheter for enkelte endringer)

Utvalgte kapitler i:

Jorde, Dorids og Bungum, Berit (red.) (2003): Naturfagdidaktikk--Perspektiver 中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐 Utvikling, Oslo, Gyldendal Akademiske.

?vrig pensum blir gjort tilgjengelig som filer (noen som trykte hefter)

Schreiner, Camilla and Sj?berg, Svien (2004): Sowing the seeds of ROSE. Background, Rationale, Questionnaire Development and Data Collection for ROSE (The Relevance of Science Education) - a comparative study of students` view of science and science education., Acta Didactica. - (4/2004) (ISBN 82-90904-79-7): Dept. of Teacher Education and School Development, University of Oslo, Norway.

Schreiner, Camilla & Sj?berg, Svein (2005): Et meningsfullt naturfag for dagens ungdom?, Nordina: Nordic Journal of Science Education (2).

Schreiner, Camilla and Sj?berg, Svein (2005): Empowered for action. How do young people relate to environmental challenges? In Alsop, Steve (2005) Beyond Cartesian Dualism. Encountering Affect in the Teaching and Learning of Science Dordrecht: Springer, Science and Technology Education Library.,

Sj?berg, Svein og Schreiner, Camilla (2005): Naturfag og teknologi i norsk skole og utdanning: Interesse og rekruttering Utdanning 2005 - deltakelse og kompetanse. Oslo, Statistiske Sentralbyr?.,

Kj?rnsli, Marit m.fl. (2004): Rett spor eller p? ville veier? Norske elevers prestasjoner i matematikk, naturfag og lesing i PISA 2003., Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.

Gr?nmo, Liv Sissel m.fl (2004): Hva i all verden har skjedd med realfagene? Norske elevers prestasjoner i matematikk og naturfag i TIMSS 2003. , ILS, Universitetet i Oslo, Acta Didactica. - 5/2004.

Sj?berg, Svein (2002): Science and Technology Education -- Current Challenges and Possible Solutions in Jenkins, Edgar (ed) (2002) Innovations in Science and Technology Education Vol VIII Paris, UNESCO,

Osborne, Jonathan; Simon, Shirly and Collins, Sue (2003): Attitudes towards science: a review of the litterature and its implications International Journal of Science Education vol. 25, no 9 (Special issue on affect),

Norris, Stephen and Phillips, Linda (2003): How Literacy Its Fundamental sense Is Central to Scientific Literacy Science Education 87:224-240,

Kolst?, Stein Dankert: flere artikler basert p?:

Kolst?, Stein Dankert (2001): Science Education of Citizenship. Thoughtful Decision - making About Science - Related Social Issues. Doktoravhandling, Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo,

Brickhouse, Nancy W. and William B. Stanley (1999): "Multiculturalism, Universalism, and Science Education Revisited" Science Education.,

Gaskell, Jim (2003): "Engaging Science Education within Diverse Cultures" Curriculum Inquiry,

Leach, John and Scott, Phil (2003): Individual and Sociocultural Views of Learning in Science Education Science & Eduaction 12:91-113,

Cobern, Bill (1996): "Worldview theory and Conceptual Change in Science Education" Science Education 80/5 p. 579-610,

Dessuten artikler av Michael Reiss og Glen Aikenhead (publiserers senere) Henvendelse om pensum kan rettes til Svein Sj?berg:

Publisert 25. okt. 2005 02:52 - Sist endret 9. jan. 2006 16:57