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Uncovering the maturation of pathogenic oral biofilms


The human oral microbiome consists of hundreds of different microorganisms [1] capable of forming biofilms on a variety of surfaces, including dental implants [2]. These biofilms consist of highly organized multispecies communities embedded within an extracellular polymer matrix [3]. Changes in the local conditions or poor oral hygiene can result in a shift of these natural biofilms to dysbiotic communities, where the increased incorporation of pathogens can lead to disease [4]. Pathogens that are usually unable to form biofilms by themselves, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, embed and proliferate in established biofilms and trigger inflammatory reactions, leading to e.g., periodontal bone loss [7]. It is assumed that the incidence of oral diseases has a substantial impact on systemic health: WHO reports show that over 80% of the population in many countries suffer from infections such as caries or periodontitis [5,6].

While the use of modern sequencing techniques has revealed the biodiversity within these biofilms [8], process and molecular mechanisms of oral biofilm maturation remain to be addressed to a large extent. The aim of our research is to create an in vitro model of periodontal biofilms, using key colonizers and pathogens to find solutions for the effective treatment of natural and implant-associated infections. Implant surfaces in particular are susceptible to the formation of dysbiotic biofilms and understanding development, alteration, and composition of these is essential for developing and evaluating novel prevention strategies.

Aims of this project:

The aim of this MSc project is to create and examine multispecies oral biofilms under anaerobic and flowing conditions that mimic the periodontal habitat. For this purpose, a state-of-the-art, microfluidic BioFlux system will be used, allowing to visualize biofilm formation under constant flow and in a controlled environment. Quantification of different species will be achieves with qPCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization methods. The project is part of a RCN-funded collaboration with the Department of Biomaterials at the Faculty of Odontology.


Microbiology, BioFlux microfluidic flow cell, (fluorescence) Microscopy, Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), qPCR, anaerobic cultivation methods

Work Place and Environment:


The Linke group works on interdisciplinary projects related to bacterial infections and biotechnology and is part of the EVOGENE section at IBV. The international group members have diverse scientific backgrounds and career stages. The working language in the group is English.


This project is best suited for students of the study programs Molecular Biology/Biochemistry, Cell Biology/Physiology, or Genetics/Developmental Biology - but students from all study programs and form other departments are welcome to contact us. A strong background in Microbiology or Biochemistry is an advantage.


1.  Aas, J. A., Paster, B. J., Stokes, L. N., Olsen, I., & Dewhirst, F. E. (2005). Defining the normal       bacterial flora of the oral cavity. Journal of clinical microbiology, 43(11), 5721-5732.

 2.  Busscher, H. J., van der Mei, H. C., Subbiahdoss, G., Jutte, P. C., van den         Dungen, J. J., Zaat, S. A., ... & Grainger, D. W. (2012). Biomaterial-associated           infection: locating the finish line in the race for the surface. Science translational           medicine, 4(153), 153rv10-153rv10.

3.  Do, T., Devine, D., & Marsh, P. D. (2013). Oral biofilms: molecular analysis, challenges, and        future prospects in dental diagnostics. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dentistry, 11-19.

4. Marsh, P. D., & Zaura, E. (2017). Dental biofilm: ecological interactions in health and    disease. Journal of clinical periodontology, 44, S12-S22.

 5. Do, T., Devine, D., & Marsh, P. D. (2013). Oral biofilms: molecular analysis,              challenges, and future prospects in dental diagnostics. Clinical, cosmetic and                investigational dentistry, 11-19.

 6. Petersen, P. E., & Lennon, M. A. (2004). Effective use of fluorides for the                 prevention of dental caries in the 21st century: the WHO approach. Community             dentistry and oral epidemiology, 32(5), 319-321.

 7. Hajishengallis, G., Liang, S., Payne, M. A., Hashim, A., Jotwani, R., Eskan, M. A., ... & Curtis, M. A. (2011). Low-abundance biofilm species orchestrates              inflammatory periodontal disease through the commensal microbiota and                      complement. Cell host & microbe, 10(5), 497-506.

 8. Paster, B. J., Boches, S. K., Galvin, J. L., Ericson, R. E., Lau, C. N., Levanos,       V. A., ... & Dewhirst, F. E. (2001). Bacterial diversity in human subgingival                     plaque. Journal of bacteriology, 183(12), 3770-3783.


Publisert 15. aug. 2023 09:23 - Sist endret 15. aug. 2024 09:54


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