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Published May 30, 2022 1:28 PM

Dear master students at the Department of Geosciences!

Welcome to the Graduation Ceremony 2022!Image of flowers in front of the UiO-building Domus Academica

The ceremony will take place in Auditorium 1 in the Geology building on Thursday 16 June from 3 PM to approximately 6 PM. For more information, please check your e-mail.

To sign up, please fill out this form:


Deadline for signing up is Monday 6 June.

We are looking forward to celebrating all of you at the Graduation Ceremony on 16 June! 


Published May 25, 2022 4:38 PM

Interested in learning the latest about sensor technology and digitization, get relevant knowledge and opportunities for networking? Credit the Sensor decade / Logo

In partnership with SINTEF and Oslo Science City, The University of Oslo is arranging The Sensor Decade conference, the 1st and 2nd of June. Since UiO is a big contributor to The Sensor Decade, students from UiO can partake in the conference free of charge! 

See the conference program and more information at www.sensordecade.com/

Sign up here: https://bit.ly/388Atlh

Published Dec. 3, 2021 10:30 AM

Kj?re masterstudent, 

vi er gjort merksemde p? to spanande tverrfaglege emner som kan vere relevante som frie emner i masterprogrammet dykkar. 

Dersom det er aktuelt, vil emna kunne inng? i teoretisk pensum, men har du levert masterkontrakt vil du m?tte s?ke om endring av teoretisk pensum i denne dersom du tenker ? bruke emnet i graden. 

Begge emna er p? 10 studiepoeng kvar og vert tilbudt v?ren 2022. Trude Storelvmo ved Institutt for geofag er ein av forelesarane i emnet ...

Published Nov. 26, 2021 12:48 PM


the student admin. responsible for the MSc contracts will close early today Friday and be out of the office Monday 29 November. Back on Tuesday 30 November. 

For submission of completely filled out MSc contracts, please put them in Karl Johan's mailbox in the expedition during the opening hours, 09-14.

Student administration 
Department of Geosciences 

Published Aug. 26, 2021 2:30 PM

Aker Scholarship er en stipendordning for studenter som ?nsker ? ta en master eller ph.d i utlandet. Stipendet ?nsker s?kere fra alle fagfelt som har et ?nske om ? bidra i samfunnet. Det er ingen forpliktelser ovenfor Aker og det ingen krav til hva du skal jobbe med etter studiet. 

Aker Scholarship har avtaler med Harvard, Caltech, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London og National University of Singapore (NUS).

Les mer om Aker Scholarship: https://www.akerscholarship.no/

Denne h?sten arrangerer Aker et digitalt infom?te 6. september kl. 16:15-17:15.

For mer informasjon og p?melding til m?tet, se: 


Published Aug. 18, 2021 8:35 AM

We welcome the new MSc students in Geosciences and CS:Geo to a mandatory information meeting today, 18 August at 10:00 in Aud. 5, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus.

For more information, see: 

Student administration 
Department of Geosciences

Published June 8, 2021 1:04 PM
Sommerjobber innen undervisning/studietstart/forslag tiltak (?pen s?knad). Foto: GK/UiO

Sommerjobber (og tidlig-h?stjobber) ledig ved Institutt for geofag! S?knadsfrist er 25. juni!

Alle jobbene er timebetalte etter l?nnstrinn 35 for bachelorstudenter og l?nnstrinn 37 for masterstudenter.

  1. Vi s?ker 2 studenter (helst fra Geofysikk og klima-programmet) til ? utvikle felt- og ?velsesoppgaver i GEO1100 Jordens utvikling, tilpasset Geofysikk og klima-studentene. De som ansettes kan ogs? delta som feltassistenter, eller som ?velsesl?rere hvis de ?nsker dette.
    Antatt arbeidstid er 2-3 uker. Timene kan spres utover tidlig h?st hvis ?nsket.
  2. Vi s?ker 2-3 engasjer...
Published May 27, 2021 5:34 PM

Dear master student who is graduating in 2021,

You are still very welcome to register for this year's graduation ceremony at the Department of Geosciences. The ceremony will take place:

Date: 18 June at 13:30

Sted: digital on zoom (link will be shared to all registered students)

You can sign up electronically through nettskjema: https://nettskjema.no/a/201631 
Registration deadline: Tuesday 1 June (next week)
You are welcome to invite family, friends, partner to join us for the ceremony.

You can read more about the ceremony here: Graduation Ceremony for MSc in Geosciences 18 of June 2021 - Institutt for geofag (uio....

Published May 7, 2021 2:15 PM

Dear master student,

We hereby invite you and your fellow students to celebrate your completion of your Master's degree in Geosciences in 2021 on Friday 18 June at 13:30.

We were hoping we were in position to invite all of you for a graduation ceremony with physical attendance on campus this year. However, since we still are encouraged to avoid large gatherings on campus and the majority of us are unvaccinated we have decided that the best option for the time being is to formally mark and celebrate your achievement together online on Zoom.

If you plan to submit and defend you thesis autumn 2021, you are also very welcome to join the ceremony in June!

Last year's digital graduation ceremony on Zoom was a success with over 90 persons attending the master graduation ceremony. We will do our very best to make this day special for you as well! The great advantage with a digital ceremony is that you at least can invite your family, fr...

Published Apr. 20, 2021 1:56 PM

Dear MSc candidate, spring 2021!

You’re about to finish the master programme in Geosciences / CS: Geoscience, and we got some important information for you.

We have gathered much of the most important information on the following web page: 

Thesis submission and clearance

The submission deadlines for most of you are between 1 May and 1 September. If you wish to submit earlier (more than 2-3 days) than your given deadline, you need to notify us! Many of you have used the self-notification scheme for deferred submission deadline due to Covid-related delay, whereas others are keen to submit on time.

In order to have your result and degree received before the summer, you should su...

Publisert 4. mars 2021 10:17

Dra p? utveksling til verdens nordligste studiested, 78° nord! Som realfagstudent p? UiO kan du ta emner ved Universitetssenteret p? Svalbard (UNIS) som del av graden din. 

Du kan tilbringe alt fra noen uker til et helt semester ved Universitetssenteret p? Svalbard (UNIS), som tilbyr et stort antall ulike emner p? bachelor, master og PhD-niv? innen arktisk biologi, arktisk geologi, arktisk geofysikk og arktisk teknologi. Du m?ter et internasjonalt studiemilj?, og du 中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐er med forskere som er eksperter p? arktiske fagomr?der.

Les ...

Published Feb. 8, 2021 11:51 AM

The University Centre in Svalbard/UNIS, application for summer courses 2021 is now open.

Dear master students,

Are you interested in taking a summer course at The University Centre in Svalbard/UNIS this summer?

Please have a look at the available summer courses at UNIS and how to apply here: https://www.unis.no/summer-courses-2021-open-for-application/

NB: the application deadline for summer courses 2021 is 15 February.

The application deadline for UNIS courses for the autumn semester is 15 April. An overview of these courses will also be made available on the UNIS website (they are already available on the app...

Published Feb. 1, 2021 10:44 AM

Dear master students,

We believe this grant program called STUD-ENT scheme could be of interest to some of you who are working on developing a tool, program etc. and need funding.

More info on how to apply for the grant to develop your business idea further below.


Do you have an idea and a minimum of one teammate? Are you thinking of running a business while studying but no funding to make everything happen?

Apply for the STUD-ENT Scheme 2021, where you can win up to 1M NOK to commercialize the idea or to support the existing business you have! The application is open from February to March. Still, we encourage you to contact Insj UiO now for the assistance you need in filling up the application! Insj UiO helped 4 teams win last year, and we want to see more winners around Oslo this year.

More information here:
