Advanced search

Search tip: Searches are truncated with '*'. A search for nora* returns the databases NORA and Norart. The databases are organized by subject. Search for databases within your subject.

How do I get full-text: In the result lists click on

Search tip: Use one or more words that the title starts with. A search for Journal of ant* returns the titles Journal of Anthropology, Journal of Antibiotics, etc.

How do I get full-text: In the result lists click on

Advanced search

Search tip: Search for words in the title, author name or subject headings.

A search for comput* returns results for computer, computing, computability etc.

In the result lists click on Electronic edition in order to read the book.

Advanced search

Use Google Scholar for searches on a given author or title.

For searches within a specific subject we recommend subject databases.

In the result list click on FullText@UBO to get full-text (See upper right corner for off-campus access).

For articles from e-journals that we don't subscribe to, click on Links@UBO in the result list to order a copy.

Use Primo for searches on a given subject, for articles or e-books.

Search tip: A search for cultur* returns results for culture, cultural, culturally.
A search for wom?n returns results for woman and women etc.

How do I get full-text: In the result lists click on