

(ID: master-opptak-finansiering)


Du m? dokumentere at du kan finansiere studieoppholdet ditt i Norge for ? kunne s?ke om oppholdstillatelse. Bel?pet som UDI krever er for tiden NOK 151 690.

For at vi skal kunne vurdere s?knaden din m? du dokumentere at du har bel?pet tilgjengelig innen s?knadsfristen. Hvis du f?r tilbud om opptak m? bel?pet overf?res umiddelbart i forbindelse med at du s?ker om oppholdstillatelse.

Studieavgift for s?kere med statsborgerskap fra land utenfor EU/E?S 

Studenter med statsborgerskap fra land utenfor EU/E?S og Sveits m? betale studieavgift til Universitetet i Oslo.

Se mer informasjon p? v?re nettsider om studieavgift.


You must document your ability to finance your stay in Norway in order to be granted a residence permit for study purposes. If you are offered admission, you or your sponsor must immediately transfer the required funds.

NOK 151 690 is the current amount required by The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration in order to document your financial ability to cover living expenses for one academic year in Norway.

You must document that you have this amount within the application deadline. 

Tuition fees for international students

Students with citizenship from countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland must pay tuition fees to the University of Oslo. 

Please refer to our web page concerning tuition fees for more information, including the cost of the programmes


Finanisering skolepenger EMHEM

(ID: master-opptak-finansiering-emhem)


Participation costs

In order to be enrolled to the European Master in Health Economics and Management, admitted students are to pay participation costs (not profit based) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.


(ID: master-opptak-finansiering-emhem-SFMASTER)


