
Endring av prioriterte programmer UIOMASTER og EUMAS

(ID: studiet-master-omprio-UIOMASTER-EUMAS)


Det er ikke mulig ? legge til s?knadsalternativer etter s?knadsfristen, men du kan omprioritere dine tre programmer frem til ###DATE-REPRIORITIZE### i S?knadsweb.

Dersom du f?r tilbud om opptak p? din f?rsteprioritet vil de andre s?knadsalternativene bortfalle.

Dette gjelder ikke for European Master in Health Economics and Management.


It is not possible to add programmes after the application deadline. However, you may reprioritize your three programmes until ###DATE-REPRIORITIZE### in the application portal.

If you are offered admission to your first priority, you will not be offered admission to your second or third priority.

This does not apply to European Master in Health Economics and Management.

Endring av prioriterte programmer SFMASTER

(ID: studiet-master-omprio-SFMASTER)


You can apply for up to two programmes. It is not possible to add or change programmes after the application deadline. If you are offered admission to your first priority, you will not be offered admission to your second priority.

Svar p? s?knad - Alle

(ID: studiet-master-svar)


Du vil f? svar p? s?knaden din ###DATE-GETTING-RESULTS### via din registrerte e-post adresse.

Du vil da ogs? kunne se tilbudet i S?knadsweb. Dersom du f?r tilbud om opptak vil du f? en kort frist til ? svare ja eller nei til tilbudet.


You will be notified through your registered e-mail address concerning the application results by ###DATE-GETTING-RESULTS###.

Your application results will be published at this time in your user account in S?knadsweb, UiO's application portal.

If you are offered admission to a study programme, you will be given a short deadline to respond.