Information from the Department of Chemistry for short term guests

We ask you to read through the information below. When you are done, you can go back to the main page for new short term guests.

General information

The following section can be read prior to arrival. We have also prepared a checklist which has useful information to prepare your stay and for your arrival at the department.


The administration and reception desk ("Ekspedisjonen")

You are very welcome to visit the reception desk ("Ekspedisjonen") or someone else in the Administration if you have questions concerning any topics listed on this webpage.

Access card, office key

Upon arrival: The "Ekspedisjonen" can advise you on where to pick up your office keys and ID & Access card. The office key can be obtained at the central storage and requires a cash deposit of NOK 300,-.

Upon departure: Remember to return the office key and access card when your stay has ended.

Publishing scientific papers

It is important to state your affiliation correctly in all of your publications. When relevant, this means including the information: Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo (the phrase 'University of Oslo' must appear on the publication). If possible, we recommend also stating the name of your section. If you want the Department of Chemistry to get credit for your publication, the affiliation must be given as a regular affiliation, not only "Current address..." or similar.

News and events

Stay up-to-date by frequently checking the Department's News and events pages. 

User account

If you need an user account for your stay, please come with your host to the Department's IT services (located on the ground floor, room VU11) in person and bring your ID. They will set-up a guest account for you. 

Internet access

The wireless network at UiO is called Eduroam (more information). The network requires you to log in with either:

  • username (include after your username) and password from UiO
  • username and password from another institution affiliated with Eduroam
  • username and password you get as a guest or conference participant

If you need an user account for your stay, please come with your host to the Department's IT services (located by “Ekspedisjonen” on the ground floor, room VU11) in person and bring your ID. They will set-up a guest account for you. You will need to respond to an email to your private email account to activate the new user account.

HSE: Health, Safety and the Environment

Make sure that you have read the General HSE information for the Chemistry building (containing important information on asbestos in the walls and heavy metals in some old laboratory faucets). 

As a short term guest researcher you must familiarize yourself with the HSE-work regulations at the Department of Chemistry read relevant pages of the HSE manual, and received local HSE training from your host/research section (documented in writing).

A place to stay

International staff and guests can apply for student or researcher housing through the University. The minimum rent period is two months and the maximum is 12 months. Please read the Information for students and guest researchers. There is usually a long waiting list. Also check the private accommodation bulletin board. To look for apartments at the private marked, the most used website is A standard Tenancy agreement (an agreement that regulates the tenant's and the landlord's rights and obligations in the tenancy) in English can be found here:



  • Checklist for on what to do before and upon arrival for guest researchers
Published Dec. 19, 2023 11:38 AM - Last modified Apr. 10, 2024 10:39 AM