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Different ways to activate third-party tools in Canvas

There are multiple ways to activate third-party tools in Canvas. In the detailed description below you can learn more about the different methods and see a guide on exactly how to activate or deactivate a third-party tool.

See a detailed description

There are multiple ways to activate a third-party tool in your Canvas room:

  • from the Navigation tab in the room settings
  • from the Apps tab in the room settings
    • Activate in the Apps tab. Deactivate using click-and-drag in the lists in the Navigation tab in the room settings. Delete by using View App Configurations in the Apps tab in the room settings (does not apply to all third-party tools).
  • in the Rich Content Editor in pages, assignments, quizzes, discussions, announcements or in the Syllabus
    • Activate by clicking the power plug icon St?psel-ikonet fra teksteditormenyen i Canvas in the Rich Content Editor menu and then choosing View All. Deactivate by deleting the specific content in the Rich Content Editor.
  • in assignments
    • Activate in a specific assignment by choosing External Tool as the Submission Type and then click the Find button. Deactivate by changing the assignment's submission type or by deleting the assignment.
  • in modules
    • Activate by choosing External Tool when you add something to a module. Deactivate by deleting the row in the modules page.
  • with Redirect Tool
    • Actiate in the Apps tab. Deactive using click-and-drag in the lists in the Navigation tab in the room settings. Can only be deleted with the teacher role Emneansvarlig by using View App Configurations in the Apps tab in the room settings. Remember that students can see everything you add to the room menu with the Redirect Tool.
  • other
    • This can be for example a button located one or more places in the room, or something only available for courses piloting a new third-party tool. Only the system administrator can activate/deactivate it.

Where you activate third-party tools in Canvas

From where can you activate/integrate third-party tools?
Tool Navigation tab Apps tab Rich Content Editor Assignments Modules Redirect Tool Other
Ally X   X X X   X
Blog           X  
Canvas Commons     X       X
Dropbox (Business account at UiO)           X  
EngageLab course analytics             X
EngageLab informed consent tool             X
EngageLab VIVA             X
FeedbackFruits (i pilot) X   X X X    
G Suite at UiO           X  
GeoGebra graphical calculator   X   X X           X  
Inspera           X  
JupyterHub           X  
Leganto (Pensum) X   X X X    
MacMillan LaunchPad   X          
Mattermost           X  
Mentimeter           X  
Microsoft Immersive Reader             X
Microsoft Teams           X  
Nettskjema           X  
Office 365 (OneDrive) X   X X X    
OneNote Class Notebook X     X X    
Panopto X   X   X    
R           X  
Redirect Tool   X          
Samtavla (Talkwall)           X  
SCORM X            
Twitter   X          
Vimeo   X X X X    
Wiki           X  
Wikipedia   X          
YouTube   X X X X    
Zoom X     X X    


Published Nov. 26, 2021 10:51 AM - Last modified Aug. 6, 2024 3:05 PM