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Co-Create Oslo

Co-Create is dedicated to fostering an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship among students from diverse fields such as engineering, IT, business and social sciences, even attracting those who have never previously considered being part of a startup.

Logo Co-Create with logos of collaborators

Supported by Norway’s foremost institutions, including the University of Oslo, Kristiania University College, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, BI Norwegian Business School, and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

Upcoming event(s)

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June 17th - August 12th: Summer Scholarship

We are excited to announce a summer program designed to deepen your entrepreneurial skills and foster a culture of innovation.

The main goal of the summer program is for each individual to increase their understanding of entrepreneurship and apply the knowledge gathered in Co-Create through hands-on teamwork on an innovation case. 

The evaluation criteria will focus on your motivation and ambition to contribute to a cultural shift towards more entrepreneurship, as well as your choice and presentation of an idea.

We are pleased to offer 12 positions in our summer program, each accompanied by a scholarship equivalent to a full-time summer job. 

Application deadline is 1. May 2024.

Learn more and sign up!

Co-Create is not just about sparking ideas; it's about creating sustainable job opportunities in the Oslo region and transforming these innovative approaches into impactful, enduring solutions. Through our collaborative platform, we unite diverse voices and disciplines to shape a better future.

What's ahead?

March 11th: Design Thinking workshops / April 16th: Dark horse event/ Srping: Lecture series & free dinners / Summer: Employment and mentoring / Fall: Extended lecture series & free dinners / Winter: Demo day

The Co-Create concept

Co-Create is an initiative between the Oslo universities and colleges to motivate students to solve real world problems through entrepreneurship and startup activities. A series of Design Thinking workshops followed by pitches, team selection and funding, as well as lectures in the topics you need to successfully launch a company, will be available to you. Having identified a set of challenges we invite you to find, understand and make solutions to these real-world problems, creating an impact.

During the workshops you will be able to engage with experienced entrepreneurs, problem owners and people who will inspire you. The events will have an informal setting open for participants to ask frank questions, get feedback on their ideas and also mix and mingle with each other to create a team of cofounders. Each team will be assigned a mentor who will coach them towards their goals.

Teams from all universities and colleges will meet up for events where they will be challenged, gain new knowledge and seek new team members.

Over summer, teams will work on their ideas to bring them to the next level. Coaching will be available on how to become founders of their own start-ups. Further lectures and meet-ups are scheduled for the early fall, adding momentum and knowledge to the projects.

The finale of Co-Create is a pitch event where the projects will be presented to an expert panel of judges. In this event we?ll celebrate the achievements of all projects and showcase them to outsiders.

For the teams interested the program continues with mentoring towards the submission of STUD-ENT applications to Innovation Norway in February 2025.


The University of Oslo, BI, OsloMet, Kristiania, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and the Students' Entrepreneurship Fund in Oslo (SEFiO).


Startuplab, Sharelab, Aleap and Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator

Supported by

The Innovation Norway funding scheme STUD-ENT entrepreneurship culture


An initiative from the UiO Growth House


Download the Co-Create logo from the logo webpage.


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