Norwegian version of this page

Renew enrolment


Sometimes it may be necessary to renew the enrollment of a client machine in our MDM system. This can solve communication problems between your client machine and the operating system. Symptoms of this may be that the client does not report system changes and updates to the operating server, or that the client does not receive new profiles or software that are distributed from operating systems. 
(This description requires that you have admin rights on your machine) ( Please see the norwegian version for illustration photos) 

Do the following: 
? Open the "Terminal" program. 
(You can either search for it in the spotlight, otherwise you will find it under "Programs -> Tools) 

? Cut and paste the command below and click enter. 

sudo profiles renew -type enrollment

? Enter your password
This is the same password you use to log in to your computer. Nothing will appear in the "password bar" when you enter your password.

Depending on which OS you have on your computer, you will either get a notification (picture 1). You must then click on the message to open the correct selection panel, or the panel will open itself (picture 2) and you will be presented with a window where you must choose to proceed with enrollment.  

? Enter UiO username and UiO password.
(Most people have the same password on the machine and network, but this may differ for some)


Published Mar. 4, 2022 5:41 PM - Last modified June 21, 2022 12:40 PM