The email list's properties and setting options

As an administrator, you can change a number of properties of a mailing list. To change the properties, you must select the relevant list, and click on admin in the left menu, then select Edit List Config.

As more documentation is created, several of the choices below will be replaced with links to a more detailed description.

Overview of options

The list below is not exhaustive, it only contains the options that you most often want to change / check.

Edit List Config

  • List definition:
    • Change the short description of the list.
    • Choose whether the list should be visible (be published in overviews).
    • Add remote administrators and moderators.
    • Change the topic for the list.
  • Sending/reception:
  • Privileges:
    • Who should be able to see the information page of the list.
    • Who should be able to register on and off the list.
    • Who should be able to change the membership list.
  • Bounces:
    • What should happen if e-mail to a member cannot be delivered.
  • Data sources:
    • Adding another Sympa list as a member.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Allow photos of members.
    • Check the status and time of when the list was changed.

Customizing (customize templates and information)

  • Change the templates for the automatically sent e-mail by e.g. the welcome message.
  • Change the long description of the list and what is displayed in the overview of lists.
  • Control whether a message should be added at the top and bottom of e-mails that are sent out to the list.

View UiO settings

  • When the list is activated, this page will show the central spam settings and filters the list has.

Manage subscribers 

  • Add and remove members.
  • Change the receiving settings or information of existing members.
  • For administrators, this page is the same as "Review members".


  • Here you can add domains or email addresses that are to be rejected when they send to the list.


  • E-mail addresses that are exempt from possible moderation can be added here.


  • You will only be able to do anything on this page if there has been an e-mail that could not be delivered.


  • Here the administrator has access to the logs for the list.

Special lists

If your list is either to be used as an official point of contact or needs to receive email with large attachments (over 8MB), then please contact

Published Aug. 2, 2024 11:09 AM - Last modified Aug. 2, 2024 11:50 AM