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Schedule meeting in Outlook

Invite to a meeting

1. At the bottom left corner in Outlook you can navigate between e-mail, calendar, contacts and tasks. Default dispaly in Outlook is e-mail. To invite to a meeting, click Calendar.                                                                                    Menu with calendar icon

2. Click New Meeting in the toolbar to create a new meeting and send invitations. You may also start by double clicking on the date and time of the meeting in the calendar. If you use the former method, an appointment is created. The appointment will change to a meeting when you add attendees.

New meeting button under the home tab

Schedule a meeting and book a room

When you to create a new meeting, you will see a new window where you select who should attend the meeting, and when and where the meeting will take place. 

1. Click To to add attendees. Select from the list, or start typing names. Add names to the invitation by selecting names and clicking Required or Optional.  

List to invite from

2. Set Start time and End time.

Start og slutt-tid

3. Select a meeting room. Click the pull-down menu under Show a room list. Select the list which contains the rooms in building/area where you want the meeting to take place. (Note: From June 16th you no longer book meeting rooms in FinnRom. All meeting rooms should be available to book in your calendar from that date.) 


4. Select the room list you want. All bookable rooms are shown. Under the rooms, in the Suggested times box, different times during the day are shown. Click the time you want to book the room, and available/free rooms are shown in the Choose an available room list. Double-click the room you want to book. List over rooms

Find a time when all attendees are avaliable

  1. One of the challenges when convening a meeting is to find a time everyone is available. Use Scheduling Assistant to see when the participants are busy/free.Scheduling assistant
  2. Here you can see when your invitees are available:Calendar of those you try to invite

Categorizing meetings

It is possible to categorize meetings by choosing a color code, by setting priority and by specifying whether the meeting is private. This is done in theTags part of the toolbar.

Button for categorizing

Response options

Under Response options it is important to deselect Request response when convening a general meeting or any other meeting with many participants where attendance is voluntary. See also Invite to a meeting when you don't require response back.

Response options

When an invitee accepts or declines

When an invitee answers a meeting request, he or she may choose to send a reply. This will show up in Outlook as a calendar message in the inbox.

Answer from invitee


If you open a meeting you created, you see how many have responded and their answers.

Meeting status

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Published Jan. 29, 2014 1:55 PM - Last modified Jan. 5, 2022 9:13 AM