Norwegian version of this page

User Management in TSD

Add a new user

For new users with Norwegian electronic ID, adding new users to a project is a two-step process:

  1. A person applies for access to a project in the TSD Selfservice portal.
  2. The project administrator then reviews and approves the pending application.

International users

To add international users who do not have Norwegian e-ID, the process requires the project admin to schedule a video or phone call with the new user.

  1. The project admin requests a invitation link being sent to the foreign user: TSD Selfservice: Invite foreign user. The link requires a secret string, and will expire after 3 hours.
  2. The project admin gives the secret string to the new user via video or phone call with the project admin.
  3. The new user follows the link, creates the user, set password and generates qr-code for authenticator.
  4. The project admin gives access to Windows machines after the new user is created.

For questions regarding user registration, please email

Apply for a test user

Follow the project access application procedure described above, and type in p11 as the project number you apply for.

Please note that the p11 project is purely for testing of functionality and that sensitive data can not be imported there.

Managing project members

Use the option called Managing project members in TSD Self Service to 

  • list and search for the members of your project
  • temporarily disable or permanently remove selected members from your project 
  • send password reset links for users without Norwegian e-id

For members with TSD-user accounts (e. g. p12345-abcdef), the user account is listed in the second column of the table. For members without users accounts, such as associated members, the status is signified via a user icon that is crossed out. 

Searching and sorting

Use the text field above the table to search for specific members of your project. The search picks up on person names, user names and email addresses. The search does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.

Use the sorting symbols in the column headings to sort the table rows by person names, user names, or email addresses, respectively.

Deactivating and re-activating users 

For members with user accounts, the second symbol of the column called Actions indicates whether a user account is currently activated. Clicking the icon toggles the state between activated and deactivated.

To deactivate a user means to prevent that user from using TSD-services associated with your project. The suspension lasts until the user is reactivated. Users can be deactivated and reactivated at any time.

Note that associated members (without user accounts) cannot be deactivated, only removed.

Removing members

Clicking the red icon (X) at the end of a row permanently removes that member from your project. Unlike deactivation, this action cannot be undone. To be able to contribute to the project once more, the person in question will have to re-apply to become a member of your project.

Reset password/qr code for users without Norwegian e-id

Users without Norwegian e-id, will have a key symbol under actions. Click to send credentials reset link.

List over people in project

Warning about sending password reset link.Passphrase to be given to foreign user

The user will receive an email, with a reset link, asking them to fill in the reset passphrase given by the project admin.

Edit group memberships / Grant or revoke export or admin rights

1. Log in to:

2. Select the group you want to change permissions for. For admin rights, select pNN-admin-group, for export rights, select pNN-export-group.

3. Select add group or remove group. Click on the ? symbols to display help.

Screenshot of group edit page

4. Click submit

5. Review changes and commit

6: The group memberships take effect on a new system login

Permissions are read on login to a Linux or Windows session. They will need to log out of the tsd machine (sign out) for group membership takes effect. For Windows, see description.

Edit group memberships pxx-people-group

1. Log in to:

2. Click on "Manage group members" icon for pxxx-people-group in the right most column.
Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Circle, Paper product, Brand.

3. Select the name of the project member.
Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Screenshot, Parallel, Number.

4. Click on right arrow

5. Review changes and click on Update

6: The group memberships take effect on a new system login.

Change the Project Administrator of a TSD project

1. Log in to:

2. Click on "Manage group members" icon in the right most column.
Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Circle, Paper product, Brand.

3. Select the name of the project member, who will be the new Project Administrator.
Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Screenshot, Parallel, Number.

4. Click on right arrow

5. Review changes and click on Update

6: The group memberships take effect on a new system login.

Add f?dselsnummer for an existing user in a TSD project

Please note that you need your minID (IDporten) credentials to fill this form

Search the user manual
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Published Mar. 15, 2021 1:20 PM - Last modified June 4, 2024 11:10 AM