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Courses in Mathematics, Mechanics, Statistics

Showing 1–25 of 25 courses
Course Credits
MAT-INF3600 – Mathematical Logic (10 credits) 10
MAT2000 – Project Work in Mathematics (10 credits) 10
MAT2200 – Groups, Rings and Fields (10 credits) 10
MAT2250 – Discrete Mathematics (10 credits) 10
MAT2400 – Real Analysis (10 credits) 10
MAT2410 – Introduction to Complex Analysis (10 credits) 10
MAT3100 – Linear optimization (10 credits) 10
MAT3110 – Introduction to Numerical Analysis (10 credits) 10
MAT3360 – Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (10 credits) 10
MAT3400 – Linear Analysis with Applications (10 credits) 10
MAT3420 – Quantum Computing (10 credits) 10
MAT3440 – Dynamical systems (10 credits) 10
MAT3500 – Topology (10 credits) 10
MEK3200 – Project Work in Mechanics (10 credits) 10
MEK3570 – Computational Solid Mechanics (10 credits) 10
MEK3700 – Current topics in bio-mechanics (10 credits) 10
MEK3800 – Environmental fluid mechanics (10 credits) 10
STK-MAT2011 – Project Work in Finance, Insurance, Risk and Data Analysis (10 credits) 10
STK-MAT3700 – Introduction to Mathematical Finance and Investment Theory (10 credits) 10
STK-MAT3710 – Probability Theory (10 credits) 10
STK2100 – Machine Learning and Statistical Methods for Prediction and Classification (10 credits) 10
STK2130 – Modelling by Stochastic Processes (10 credits) 10
STK3100 – Introduction to Generalized Linear Models (10 credits) 10
STK3405 – Introduction to Risk and Reliability Analysis (10 credits) 10
STK3505 – Introduction to Insurance Mathematics (10 credits) 10