

Time and place: , Vulkan

At by:Larm 2015 the first Norwegian Music Hackathon will take place, a concept which is organized on many of the biggest music festivals around the world. Free entrance and open for everyone.

more information

Time and place: , Universitetsbiblioteket, Blindern

Hva skjer n?r sjakkspillere lager og bokstavelig talt ”spiller” musikk? Hvordan lyder sjakk matt? Flere fourMs-studenter er involvert i stykket Reunion 2012.

Time and place: , Hamburg

fourMs researchers will be teaching, and fourMs students will be participating in the annual International Summer School in Systematic Musicology, this year to be held in Hamburg. More information.

Time and place: , Jyv?skyl?, Finland

University of Oslo is a partner, and fourMs researchers will be teaching, at the International Summer School in Systematic Musicology (ISSSM2011), which will take place in Jyv?skyl?, starting on the 8th of August, 2011.

More information below (and here). 


Every known culture has some form of dance, so it seems obvious that music and movement are closely connected with each other. But it's surprising how little we know about this connection. Why do certain tunes make us want to get up and dance, while others not so much? And when we do move, what compels us to do so one way and not another? What's more, when we watch others dance, why can we tell immediately if their gestures fit the music or not?

Time and place: , fourMs

Come and visit us during the semester opening week for the autumn semester. There will be demonstrations of different motion capture systems, sonic interaction, robots, 3D-printing, and more.

Time and place: , Jyv?skyl?, Finland

The International Summer School in Systematic Musicology (ISSSM2010) will take place in Jyv?skyl?, starting on the 11th of August, 2010. The theme of the Summer School is Beauty in Music - Musical Aesthetics Revisited and it focuses on the most advanced and up-to-date topics of musicology through an interactive and cooperative learning approach.

Time and place: , fourMs

Come and visit us during Open day at the university. There will be demonstrations of different motion capture systems, sonic interaction, robots, 3D-printing, and more.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 454, P.A. Munchs hus

Postdoctoral researcher Alexander Refsum Jensenius will hold an open lecture during the annual "Faglig-pedagogisk dag" at University of Oslo.

Tittel: Musikk og bevegelse

Sammendrag: Musikk oppst?r som bevegelse hos musikeren, og musikk skaper bevegelse hos den som lytter. Selv om de ?este er enige om at kropp og bevegelse er en naturlig, og essensiell, del av musikkopplevelsen, har det v?rt p?fallende lite fokus p? musikkrelaterte bevegelser i undervisning og forskning. Forelesningen vil gi en helhetlig presentasjon av hvordan vi kan forst? og studere musikkrelaterte bevegelser.

Time and place: , fourMs
Time and place: , Universitetsplassen, Oslo

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