
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
04.12.2003? ? Final Exam. ? Suggested answers to the final exam ?
25.11.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Course Summary? ?
20.11.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Inflation? A test-exam may be found. ?
19.11.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises from Chapter 15? 15.1, 15.3 - 8?
18.11.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? The Big Bang and the Creation of the Material World? From Chapter 16 in "The Physical Universe"?
12.11.2003Elin Marthinussen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises on Life in the Universe? Correction of exercises and a discussion of preparations for the final exam. ?
11.11.2003? ? NB! No lecture!!? ?
06.11.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises from Chapter 11 and Chapter 18? 11.1 - 4, 11.7, 11.9, 11.16 - 18, 18.10, 18.11?
05.11.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Gravitation and Cosmology? From Chapter 15 in "The Physical Universe"?
04.11.2003? ? NB! No lecture!!? Lecture moved to Wednesday November 5(?).?
30.10.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Clusters of Galaxies and the Expansion of the Universe? From Chapter 14 in "The Physical Universe"?
29.10.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises from Chapter 12? 12.1-5, 12.9?
28.10.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Quiet and Active Galaxies, Clusters of Galaxies and the Expansion of the Universe? From Chapters 13 and 14 in "The Physical Universe"?
22.10.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exam-review? Work through the exam to clear up any uncertanties and misunderstandings.?
21.10.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? The Milky Way Galaxy? From Chapter 12 in "The Physical Universe"?
15.10.2003? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Mid-term Exam? The exam will test subjects covered in the first half of the semester. Pass/fail grade, in addition an indication will be given as to what letter grade the exam would have received. 2 hours total time. Exam text. ?
14.10.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Life on Mars, Interstellar dust and gas ? From Bennet, Shostak, Jakosky's "Life in the Universe", Chapter 11 of "The Physical Universe".?
09.10.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Life in the Universe? From Bennet, Shostak, Jakosky's "Life in the Universe". ?
08.10.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises from Chapter 9, 10 and on extrasolar planets? 9.1 - 9.6, 9.8, 9.9, 10.1 in addition to this exoplanet exercise .?
07.10.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Life in the Universe? From Bennet, Shostak, Jakosky's "Life in the Universe".?
02.10.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Extrasolar Planets? ?
01.10.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises from Chapter 8? 8.1-8.4, 8.6. Complete by before the lesson! Answers .?
30.09.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Binary Stars and finding planets? From Chapter 10 of "The Physical Universe" as well as other sources. ?
25.09.2003Elin Marthinussen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercise workshop? Students work on exercises from Chapter 8.?
24.09.2003Elin Marthinussen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises from Chapter 7? 7.1 - 7.6, 7.8, 7.10 - 7.14. The latter four will be gone through in detail later - if required. Complete the excercises before the lesson. Answers .?
23.09.2003? ? NB! No lecture!!? Please read Chapter 9 from Shu's "The Physical Universe" pages 159 - 174.?
18.09.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Supernova type II? Finish lecture on stellar evolution of heavy stars?
17.09.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises from Chapter 6? 6.1,6.2,6.5,6.7 - 6.10, 6.12, 6.13. Complete by before the lesson, these will be graded by your peers. Answers .?
16.09.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Evolution of the Stars? From Chapter 8 of "The Physical Universe"?
11.09.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Neutron Stars and Black Holes? From Chapter 7 of "The Physical Universe"?
10.09.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises from Chapter 5? 5.1 - 1.5, 5.8 - 5.14 Complete by before the lesson, these will be graded by your peers... Answers .?
09.09.2003Viggo Hansteen? Auditoriet, Rom 209? The end states of stars? From Chapter 7 of "The Physical Universe"?
04.09.2003Viggo Hansteen & Students? Auditoriet, Rom 209? Exercise workshop? Students work on exercises from Chapter 5.?
03.09.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises from Chapter 4? 4.1 - 4.5, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 4.14, 4.15. Complete by before the lesson, these will be graded by your peers. Answers . ?
02.09.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Nuclear energy and synthesis of the elements? From Chapter 6 of "The Physical Universe"?
28.08.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? The Sun's outer layers? Lecture outlining modern ideas on the Sun's outer atmosphere, specifically on the heating of the chromosphere and corona.?
27.08.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Excercises from Chapter 3? 3.1, 3.2, (take a look at 3.3), 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16. Complete by before the lesson, these will be graded by your peers! Answers . ?
26.08.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? The Sun as a star? From Chapter 5 of "The Physical Universe" ?
21.08.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises from Chapter 2? Exercise 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5. These do not count as obligatory exercises. Answers . ?
20.08.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? The laws of macroscopic physics? From Chapter 3 and 4 of "The Physical Universe"?
19.08.2003Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? The laws of microscopic physics? From Chapter 3 of "The Physical Universe"?
Publisert 16. juni 2003 20:10 - Sist endret 15. sep. 2004 11:50