Welcome all to FYS3510 course. …

Welcome all to FYS3510 course. Here are some reminders:

  • Please fill out the doddle polls such that we can fix the final exam date and optimize the time schedule.
  • On Monday and Tuesday 30. and 31. January, Dr. B?rge Gjelsten will take care of 2 exercises sessions, including Appendix B. Please, workout the exercises proposed for Chapter 1 and Appendix B. Visit the lecture web site: http://tid.uio.no/~farido/fys3510-12.html. The page is under development; report to me any problems you encounter (broken links, pd files you cannot read / print, ...

Publisert 29. jan. 2012 14:57 - Sist endret 29. mai 2012 12:45