
Publisert 29. mai 2012 12:39

Today is our last lecture. The 2nd project will be given back ti the students with comments.

This last lecture will feature: High energy heavy ions in addition to some last points in Outstanding Questions.

The lecture Web site has been updated. All material should now be in place.

Given that I will be traveling the whole of next week and part of the following week, feel free to contact me via email for any questions related to the lectures and the exam. I will also be at UiO Friday June 1.

Publisert 10. mai 2012 18:01

The 2nd and last obligatory project to be delivered by Monday 21.5.2012 can be found here

Publisert 9. mai 2012 14:11

REMINDER: We would appreciate if you could answer the survey concerning the FYS3510 course with the aim to improve it in the future. Deadline is 20 May 2012. Link:

Thank you very much.

Publisert 6. mai 2012 12:57

Before continuing with chapter 7 - and as mentioned in the last lecture - I would like to correct the obligatory exercises. It is important (and will be appreciated) if most students could show-up. See you on Monday and Tuesday.

Publisert 3. mai 2012 19:45

On Monday April 30, we started Chapter 7 - Models and Theories of nuclear physics. We will finish it Monday and Tuesday 7th and 8th. Solve the corresponding exercises.

Publisert 17. apr. 2012 00:24

There will be an exercise session related to Chapters 5 and 6 - to be run by B?rge. Next week we will finish Chapter 6 and start Chapter 7.

Publisert 30. mars 2012 15:47

Hope you have enjoyed the visit! Material will be uploaded on the indico pages (see below). Students not present are kindly reminded to look at the slides and other material.

Next lecture April 10: Exercises related to Chapter 2 with B?rge Gjelsten. I encourage everybody to be present.

Publisert 26. mars 2012 18:43

CERN Visit: Check "More information" to see further practical information about the visit. First goal is to reach CERN. Depending on when you arrive you will be guided to the event place or driven to the hotel. Looking forward to seeing you all at CERN.

Publisert 20. mars 2012 14:58

On Monday 19 March we finished chapter 5 - Strong interactions and slowly started chapter 6 - Weak interactions. After Easter a few series of exercises will be organized covering chapter 2, 5 and later 6.

Publisert 14. mars 2012 13:18

The FYS3510 CERN visit has its agenda page that will be updated with material during the next days:

Publisert 12. mars 2012 18:27

Important: The first obligatory set of problems "Project 1" is uploaded, see To be delivered by Monday 26th March @ 12:15.

Publisert 4. mars 2012 20:33

On Monday 5.3 and Tuesday 6.3 we finish Chapter 2. Work out related exercises. The first series of obligatory problems will be distributed next week (chapters 1-3 and relevant appendices).

Publisert 21. feb. 2012 19:31

We finished chapter 3 (Particle phenomenology) today and started chapter 2 (Nuclear phenomenology). Some additional material (meant as a help to better understand the curriculum) was quickly presented today. Go through slides 39-47 of chapter 3. For next week,

  • solve the set of problems related to chapter 3
  • read appendix C (discussed today)
On Monday next week, we first discuss some of the exercises, before continuing Chapter 2.

Publisert 21. feb. 2012 19:27

The CERN visit days are now fixed: From Wednesday March 28 starting at ~14:00 until Friday 30 at ~13:00. Students are asked to reserve their flights to Geneva. Some reimbursement will follow later. Further information and a link to the full program will be posted on the course web site and/or sent to the students per email.

Publisert 15. feb. 2012 11:46

CERN visit March 27-30 - Urgent! Please visit the link and fill out the poll as soon as possible. Further information is given there.

Publisert 8. feb. 2012 11:50

Here are the results of the 2 Doodle polls - thanks for feed-back -

  • The course time slots will stay as they are: Mondays 12:15-14:00 and Tuesdays 14:15-16:00. For the students who cannot make it to the lectures, contact me and we setup a meeting where questions can be answered and clarifications made.
  • The exam day will probably be on Friday June 15. Please, contact me in case this does not fit at all. I will check with the sensor and confirm as soon as possible.

Publisert 8. feb. 2012 11:26

Last week, an exercise session was run by B?rge where exercises related to Appendix B - relativistic kinematics - and Chapter 1 (exercises 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.15) were solved. This assumes that you went through Appendix B. Let me know in case you still have difficulties with relativistic kinematics. We could go through the appendix together.

This week we started chapter 3 - particle phenomenology - that we will try to finish next week. Then we will have a short exercise session before tackling Chapter 2 - nuclear phenomenology.

For next week Monday 13-14.02

  • solve the remaining chapter 1 exercises 1.3, 1.7, 1.8
  • read Appendix A.1, A.2, A.3 - Quantum mechanics - (if needed)
  • derive the neutrino oscillation probability (relations 3.29, 3.31a,b)

Publisert 29. jan. 2012 14:57

Welcome all to FYS3510 course. Here are some reminders:

  • Please fill out the doddle polls such that we can fix the final exam date and optimize the time schedule.
  • On Monday and Tuesday 30. and 31. January, Dr. B?rge Gjelsten will take care of 2 exercises sessions, including Appendix B. Please, workout the exercises proposed for Chapter 1 and Appendix B. Visit the lecture web site: The page is under development; report to me any problems you encounter (broken links, pd files you cannot read / print, ...