
Publisert 30. mai 2014 18:51

Some students passed by and asked questions (and got projects back). The remaining commented copies can be found at the secretariat of physics institute (ekpedisjonskontor).

Publisert 30. mai 2014 00:03

As reported before I will be available during the whole day tomorrow for questions and discussion of the 2nd project.

In my office or seminar room ?393. Send me email in case.


Publisert 19. mai 2014 20:39

I had problems with my voice today after one hour of talking. I am afraid it will be hard tomorrow to do the 5 hours teaching (3 hours FYS4560 in the morning and 2 hours FYS3510 in the afternoon).

I suggest to have written questions and answers instead, either through Skype or email. From 14:15-16:00.

Today we went through the Fermi model and introduced the shell model. Read the material in slides 19-23. This is enough to go through the proposed exercises on Thursday. I planned to continue alpha decay and beta decay tomorrow. I ask you to read these parts in the book and go through the slides. 

Publisert 15. mai 2014 21:35

1) There are far too many student preferring June 5th. Unless justified (exams on 3 or 4 and to a less extent on 2) some of you will be moved to to 3rd or 4th.

2) An "Exam" pensum list can be found here.

3) I will be available on Friday June 30th for extra questions. Meanwhile feel free to come to the planned (extra) lectures and ask me through email.

Publisert 15. mai 2014 16:29

As agreed during the lecture today:

- On Monday May 19th I will use one more hour: 14:15 - 17:00

- On Tuesday May 20th I will give a lecture from 14:15 - 16:00. Room ?393

- On Thursday May 22nd there will be a session from 10:15-12:00 with one more hour for those who would like to ask more questions. 

Publisert 12. mai 2014 18:59

Thursday 15.5: Finish SM and introduce some physics beyond SM, such as GUT, SUSY (parts of Chapter 9).

Monday 19.5 & Thursday 22.5: Nuclear Physics Models

Monday 26th: No lecture OR remote lecture. Details next Thursday.

If there is interest from students we can arrange for 2 sessions on Friday 23rd & Friday 30th to go through curriculum with questions and answers. Otherwise, feel free to pass by my office and ask questions. This concerns also the proposed exercises related to chapters 5,6 and 7 (solutions are available in the text book). 

Publisert 7. mai 2014 13:52

The final oral exam will take place 3rd, 4th and 5th of June.

May I ask the students who have delivered the first set of compulsory problems (and who will deliver the second set next week) to provide me with the following information: 

- Wished day and time (expect max 30 minutes / student) 

- Day or part of day when student is unavailable (because of other exams) 

Deadline for providing the info: Wednesday 14th May, 12:00.

Thank you. 

Publisert 6. mai 2014 15:21

Please solve the set of problems suggested at the end of each lecture/chapter and let me know whether we should go through some of them. 

Publisert 6. mai 2014 15:20

For those who have not received back the copies, I will have them with me on Thursday and Monday (next lectures), or pass by my office. 

All, let me know in case you have questions to my comments

Publisert 3. mai 2014 12:43

Project 2 is now available, to be delivered by 13.05.2014 @ 14:15. Read through it and let me know in case anything is unclear.

Publisert 30. mars 2014 19:32

On Monday 31.3 we continue the lecture on Strong Interactions.

On Thursday 2.4 Katarina will run an exercise session on Nuclear physics (Chapter 2 and Appendix C on Rutherford scattering). Prepare as much as you can (see proposed list in the slides) and tell which exercises you would like to be solved in the classroom.

Sunday 6.4 is the big day ... don't forget to be at the airport early enough. Looking forward to see you at CERN and hoping that you are ready for an exciting program 

Publisert 9. mars 2014 16:27

I am sick and can unfortunately not be at Blindern tomorrow 10.3. I recommend that you work on the remaining exercises on chapter 3 AND work on project 1. I will make sure that the room is open. Don't hesitate to contact me - through email - in case you have questions. 

By the way somebody noticed that in question I.2.a "maximum" opening angle should in fact be "minimum". Thanks. 


Publisert 1. mars 2014 16:00

Project 1 is now available, to be delivered by 13.03.2014 @ 10:15. Read through it and let me know in case anything is unclear.

Publisert 17. feb. 2014 10:54

Due to illness, it is most probable that today's lecture will be in form of exercises to finish Chapter 1 and appendices A and B completely.

Time plan updated accordingly, including link to solutions to exercises.

CERN visit programme taking shape, follow-up link

Publisert 7. feb. 2014 08:20

20 students have registered. Flight booked: Sunday 6.4 - Thursday 10, so 4 nights. There is room for some more students but they must book and pay their travel: deadline Sunday 9.2. 

Information is being posted and updated on the visit webpage: 

Publisert 7. feb. 2014 08:13

We reserve the following days for the final oral exam: June 3,4,5. Time per student ~30 minutes. 

Publisert 30. jan. 2014 14:32

19 students have registered up to now. It is time to proceed with booking flight and hotel: Sunday 6.4 - Wednesday 9 (late afternoon) or Thursday 10, so 3 or 4 nights. There is room for some more students however, the sooner you register, the better and cheaper it will be.

Information will be posted on the visit webpage: 

Publisert 21. jan. 2014 21:33

We have the opportunity to visit CERN 7-9 April. If you are interested please send me an email with your full name and birthday.