
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
19.01.2009Jan Erik Weber? Room 219, Geology Building? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 1? Lecture?
21.01.2009Jan Erik Weber? Room 219, Geology Building? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 1? Lecture?
26.01.2009Jan Erik Weber? Room 219, Geology Building? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 1? Lecture?
28.01.2009Jan Erik Weber? Room 219, Geology Building? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 1? Lecture?
02.02.2009Jan Erik Weber? Aud I, Geology Building? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 2? Lecture?
04.02.2009Jan Erik Weber? Room U37A, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 2? Lecture ?
09.02.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Aud I, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 3? Lecture ?
11.02.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room U37A, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 3 ? Lecture + Handout of Obligatory Exercise No 1 (also on the net) ?
16.02.2009No lecture? ? ? Students free to work with Oblig. 1 ?
18.02.2009No lecture? ? ? Students free to work with Oblig. 1?
23.02.2009Jan Erik Weber? Room 219, Geology Building? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 3? Lecture + Submission of Oblig. 1 ?
25.02.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 3 ? Lecture?
02.03.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 3? Lecture ?
04.03.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 3, 4? Lecture, new material on Stokes drift in surface waves (also included in the Lecture Note, p. 38, 39, 40) ?
09.03.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 4 ? Lecture ?
11.03.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 4 ? Lecture ?
16.03.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 4? Lecture ?
18.03.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 4 ? Lecture + Handout of Obligatory Exercise No 2. You find Oblig 2 here. ?
23.03.2009No lecture? ? ? Students free to work with Oblig. 2 ?
25.03.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 4, 5 ? Lecture + Submission of Oblig. 2 ?
30.03.2009No lectures or groups in week 14 (mid-term exams), then Easter (week 15)? ? ? ?
15.04.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5? Lecture + Handout of Obligatory Exercise No 3 ?
17.04.2009Eivind St?ylen? ? ? Group as usual?
20.04.2009No lecture? ? ? Students free to work with Oblig. 3 ?
22.04.2009No lecture? ? ? Students free to work with Oblig. 3 ?
24.04.2009Eivind St?ylen? ? ? Group as usual?
27.04.2009Jan Erik Weber? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5 ? Lecture + Submission of Oblig. 3?
29.04.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5 ? Lecture?
04.05.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5 ? Lecture ?
06.05.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5 ? Lecture + Handout of Obligatory Exercise No 4 (also on the net) ?
11.05.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5 ? Lecture?
13.05.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Repetitions? Lecture from 12.15-13. Then we walk to the Hydrodynamic Laboratory to study surface waves.?
18.05.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Repetitions? Lecture/problem solution + Submission of Obligatory Exercise No 4 ?
20.05.2009Jan Erik Weber ? Room 219, Geology Building ? GEF2500 Lecture Note, Repetitions ? Lecture/problem solution ?
Publisert 20. jan. 2008 23:02 - Sist endret 11. mai 2009 17:17