
Published June 20, 2022 12:46 PM

We have now completed the grading, and you should soon see your results in student web. In accordance with our earlier explanation, we decided on the following thresholds for IN3050 grades

A:80, B:68, C:52, D:40, E:32

The grade distribution is close to normal for the pass grades, while ca 9% failed.

For IN4050, we are a little stricter when it comes to passing, and for an A.

A:83, B:68, C:52, D:40, E:35

Here the distribution is skewed towards better grades.

Enjoy the summer break!

- Kai and Jan Tore

Published June 9, 2022 5:27 PM

We have got several reactions on the exam, in particular on Discourse (Astroforum). We have written an answer which we also publish here, to make it visible also for those of you who are not active on Discourse.


Kai and Jan Tore

Published May 31, 2022 5:05 PM

Hi! We found an error in the exam solution, for question 1b. The correct answer should be:

"Gradient descent cannot be used for discrete (non-continuous) search/optimization problems. That is because they do not have a gradient: We cannot calculate the direction of largest change in a given point in the search landscape."


Published May 31, 2022 2:45 PM


We have uploaded today's question sets together with solutions in the exam folder.

Since this is a large course, it will take 3 weeks to grade your submissions.

Happy Summer!

Kai and Jan Tore

Published May 26, 2022 12:50 PM

There was a mistake at slide 53. It is now corrected. The term "epoch" was used incorrectly. The term is now removed since it wasn't essential.

Published May 23, 2022 11:23 AM

The bonus group this week will not be Thursday but Wednesday May 25 at 14.15 in Limbo.

Published May 21, 2022 4:08 PM

We have got several questions regarding the exam and to which degree you have remember formulas, in particular from the part on supervised learning. I have made a document trying to answer

- formulas you have to know, and formulas you don't need to remember

- how to interpret some formulas

- relationships between various learning algorithms

I have placed the document in the practical session, here.

Enjoy reading, Jan Tore

Updated, May 23: I corrected one typo. The loss in multinomial logistic regression is "general cross-entropy" not "binary cross-entropy".

Published May 12, 2022 4:11 PM

Hi everyone!

The regular group sessions are now done, but ?rjan will host two bonus sessions on May 19  (on the time and place of the Thursday group sessions in the schedule) and May 25 at 14.15 in Limbo.

He will there focus on topics you think are most useful to prepare for the exam - you can suggest topics on Astro-Forum!


Published May 12, 2022 3:23 PM

Some of the exam questions may ask for calculations. There is a calculator in Inspera. You are advised to familiarize yourself with the calculator prior to the exam. You find the calculator here.

Published May 12, 2022 3:20 PM

Some of you have asked for a document specifying the detailed syllabus. We have now made it. You find it under practical information.

Published May 12, 2022 3:17 PM

Corrected typo on slides from week06, slide 72.

Jan Tore

Published Apr. 5, 2022 3:56 PM

For they who have to redeliver mandatory assignment 2, we will offer a last minute clinic, Tuesday Apr 19 at 14.15 in Assembler. Two group teachers will be there to help you.

Published Apr. 5, 2022 3:52 PM

There will be no classes, neither lecture nor group sessions, between Mon Apr 11 and Mon Apr 18. Teaching resumes Tue Apr 19.

The group sessions the week after Easter, Tue Apr 19-Thu Apr 21, will focus on mandatory assignment 3. Deadline Friday, Apr 22.

Published Apr. 5, 2022 10:35 AM

We plan to give feed-back Friday, April 8, to everybody who delivered on time.

In case anybody has to redeliver, their second deadline will be Tuesday, April 19, 23:59.

For they who got an extension, we cannot guarantee they will get feedback April 8. If they get feed-back later, the deadline for a second delivery will be adjusted accordingly.

There are no extensions for a second delivery. Unless you have a doctor's note. In which case to you have to contact the IFI study adm.

Kai and Jan Tore

Published Apr. 1, 2022 12:39 PM

The third mandatory exercise is now posted online, here. The deadline is April 22nd

For those of you needing a 3-day extension, you can use this form

Good luck!

Published Mar. 18, 2022 4:05 PM

Dear IN3050/4050-students,

For those of you needing to request 3-day extensions for the second mandatory assignment, you can use this form.

Good luck wrapping up assignment 2!


Published Mar. 9, 2022 10:36 AM

The topic will be neural networks and backpropagation, which will also be the focus of assignment 2. We will use the whiteboard to draw and explain. Only the sound (and some still pictures) will be recorded.

We will also have a discussion/Q&A-session with Ole Christian.

Jan Tore

Published Mar. 9, 2022 10:32 AM

The deadline is Friday 25 March at 23:59


Published Feb. 8, 2022 2:08 PM

Hi IN3050/4050-students!

After hearing some of you had trouble using the map-plotting library in mandatory assignment 1, I updated the exercise so it no longer uses this library. Head over to the Mandatory Exercises page to find the updated version.

Note: The change only affects the plotting of optimized plans. If you have already started the exercise, and did not have any problems with the plotting, feel free to use the old version. If you have already started but want the new plotting code, you can also just copy over the first few cells from the updated notebook and remove the old plotting code from your file.


Published Feb. 7, 2022 2:35 PM

Dear IN3050/4050-students,

The first mandatory exercise is now posted online, here. The deadline is Februray 25th. Note that for master-level students (IN4050) there is an extra task, which is optional for IN3050-students.

Good luck, and remember that your group teachers can help if you get stuck!


Published Feb. 4, 2022 9:28 AM

Dear IN3050-students,

After the new COVID-regulations launched this week, we are happy to offer more on-campus teaching going forward. In particular, this means the following changes for IN3050/4050:

-The interactive sessions will be on campus instead of on Zoom, in the lecture room Simula - as seen in the course schedule.

-We will keep 2 digital groups, and offer 5 physical groups. Group 2 will be transformed from digital to physical.

-You are free to go to other groups than the one you are assigned to. But, group 2 is reserved for students assigned to it (because it has more students than the other physical groups).

-You no longer have to use the sign-up sheet: Feel free to attend groups without signing up.

We look forward to seeing you more in person in the coming weeks! Have a great weekend!

-Kai and Jan Tore

Published Feb. 1, 2022 3:18 PM

Dear IN3050/4050-students,

We have set up an additional digital group, Tuesdays from 10-12. See the details in the schedule.

We also have experienced that the physical groups all have a manageable size, so we will now allow you to go to a different group (physical or digital) than the one you are assigned to. But, if you are going to a physical group, remember to use the signup-sheet! See the info here.

If you have problems accessing the sign-up sheet, please check that you are 1) logging in with your UiO-connected G-suite account (and not a different Gmail-account) or 2) see if Theodor's solution can help. 

See you!

-Kai and Jan Tore

Published Feb. 1, 2022 9:12 AM


For those of you who are not familiar with linear algebra, vectors and matrices, or need a brush-up, I have made some introductory material consisting of

We will use vector and matrix notations a lot from teaching week 5. Enjoy!

Jan Tore

Published Jan. 19, 2022 11:08 AM

Hi everyone!

This year, we want to use a new forum service to communicate - both between students, and between students and teachers/group teachers. The service is called astro-discourse.

Please visit the link above and register for a user. Then scroll down to the page for IN3050/4050, and use the forum to ask questions/discuss with fellow students! Note that you may use the forum anonymously if you prefer.

You can find some more instructions on how to use the forum here.


Published Jan. 4, 2022 11:02 AM

Hi everyone, and happy new year!

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the practical information regarding teaching organization before we begin the semester. You can find it here.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

-Jan Tore and Kai