
Publisert 12. juni 2016 15:24

L?reboka er eneste trykte hjelpemiddel det er lov ? ha med til eksamen. Boka kan ikke brukes som hjelpemiddel hvis det er gjort notater i den. (Understekninger, markeringer, rettinger og sm? kommentarer til teksten unntatt).


Just the Main course book without own notes written that can be brought to the exam. Only underlining of sentences,  corrections of errors and small comments are allowed. The book can be checked during the exam.

Publisert 10. juni 2016 16:45

We have received some questions regarding the course book for the exam.

You are allowed to bring just a course book as extra material to an exam and we will accept both, hardcover copy from a bookstore as well as printed PDF. But before and during exam, books (especially PDF printer ones) will be checked to make sure it's just purely a book and no extra pages or material was added.

Also, you are allowed to have underlined and highlighted material in the book, but writing additional information into the book is not allowed.

Good luck in the exam!

Publisert 9. juni 2016 10:24

Syllabus for both Bachelor (INF3480) and Master (INF4380) courses is the following:

  • All the lecture notes listed in the timeplan. Both from the main courses and guest lecturers
  • The following course book chapters, which were mentioned in the lectures:
    • Chapter 1 - Introduction
    • Chapter 2 - Rigid Motions and Homogeneous Transformations
    • Chapter 3 - Forward and Inverse Kinematics
    • Chapter 4 - Velocity Kinematics - The Jacobian
    • Chapter 6 - Independent Joint Control
    • Chapter 7 - Dynamics


Publisert 7. juni 2016 16:56

The last revision lecture will be held this Friday, 10:15 - 12:00 in Seminarrom Logo, where normally a group session takes place. There will be no lecture on Thursday!

Good luck with the preparation and exam!

Publisert 1. juni 2016 15:16

Due to very late announcement of additional chapters for Master Students (INF4380), it was decided not to include any exam questions covering that information. Please study just regular chapters which were covered during the lectures.

Sorry for the confusion.

Publisert 26. mai 2016 16:18

Lab is cancelled due to issues with the robot! Task 4 of Oblig 3 will be approved for everyone. Please submit the rest of the assignment as planned.

Publisert 24. mai 2016 21:00

Lab is cancelled due to issues with the robot! Task 4 will be approved for everyone.

Lab 4 (Oblig 3 Question 4 - Practical experiment with the robot) will take place on Thursday, 26th May and Friday, 27th May depending on which group you were assigned to. You all have been divided into 6 large groups, so please work together.

Group list and more info can be found here.

Publisert 24. mai 2016 12:20

This week there will be no lecture or tour. This will also allow you more time to finish the assignment and start revision for the exam. There will be a revision lecture held on 2nd June, so if you have any questions regarding course material, it's a good opportunity to ask them.

Publisert 11. mai 2016 13:23
Publisert 3. mai 2016 17:13

Oblig 3 is announced, you can find the description and supporting files here.

To motivate you to start earlier and make correcting easier and more efficient, we have two deadlines for this oblig.

Tasks 1 and 2 have deadline of Friday, 20th May.

Tasks 3 and 4 have deadline of Friday, 27th May.

There will be a practical part to work on the real robot and we will divide you into groups a bit later on. This will be announced on the website and sent on email. If you prefer to work with somebody in the group, please send an email to Justas in advance.

There will be an optional ROS assignment, which we highly recommend to get some hands on experience and it will give you much better understanding of ROS for an exam. It will be announced next week.

Good luck!

Publisert 13. apr. 2016 15:23

Due to some last minute changes, tomorrow we will have a tour around ROBIN lab instead of a planned lecture. We will meet in the lecture room as usual, where Prof. Jim T?rresen will give a small introduction followed by the tour around the lab, where you will see the existing equipment like 3D printers, CNC machines and more, as well as some demos of the on-going projects in the lab.

Publisert 12. apr. 2016 13:46

Due to some difficulties with delivery and feedback of Oblig 1, we decided to give you one more week to work on Oblig 2. We postpone the deadline by one week to next Friday, 22nd April. Good luck finishing the work!

Publisert 17. mars 2016 00:11

Oblig 2 is posted in the lecture schedule. Considering the Easter vacation, an extra week is given with submission on Friday, 15th April.

If you had some trouble with Oblig 1, please do make use of exercise sessions on Fridays where group leaders can help you out with the tasks. Oblig 2 requires a bit more work, so we highly recommend to start early.

Publisert 19. feb. 2016 12:10

The second group session on Fridays, 14:15-16:00, is moved to Seminarrom Java, because of double booking of the room.

Publisert 11. feb. 2016 10:34

Considering we have many students, an additional Group Session is added on Fridays 14:15 - 16:00 in OJD Seminarrom Logo. It will be mainly held in Norwegian, so if you want explanations in English, please try to attend the earlier session 10:15 - 12:00.

Publisert 3. feb. 2016 14:36
Publisert 22. jan. 2016 15:29

Det er ?pnet for etteranmelding I INF3480/4480. Meld deg I studentweb. Studadm

Publisert 21. jan. 2016 09:26

Here are supplementary books for the course. They can be very helpful in understanding methods explained in the course.

Study book

M. Spong, S. Hutchinson, and M. Vidyasagar, “Robot Modeling and Control”, Wiley

Support literature:

John Craig, ”Introduction to Robotics”, Wesley

Publisert 21. jan. 2016 09:23

The first lecture introducing the course is taking place as planned, Thursday 12:15-14:00 in Seminarrom Logo. We will see you there!

Sorry for the delay on the lecture plan. There were some issues with the updates of the course website.

Publisert 17. jan. 2016 22:05

Alle som s?kte opptak til INF3480/4380 innen f?rste frist har n? s?ndag f?tt plass. Se i studentweb.