
Publisert 14. juni 2013 16:39

Jeg har n? sendt karakterer ud til alle som var til muntlig eksamen.

Har du IKKE modtaget e-post herom, s? send mig e-post!


MVH Eric


Publisert 12. juni 2013 13:36

Eksamen afholdes i OJD hus, Pascal (rom 2452).

Møtt opp minst en time før (unntagen den første på dagen, som bare skal komme 08.30).

Sensor er Arne Maus,


Publisert 11. juni 2013 17:59

Eksamen afholdes i OJD hus, Pascal (rom 2452).

M?tt opp minst en time f?r (unntagen den f?rste p? dagen, som bare skal komme 08.30).




Publisert 8. juni 2013 11:32


1. Der vil være en spør-time onsdag kl 16 - rom: GA06 3437 Seminarrom C

2. HVIS du har særlige ønsker til tidspunkt for examen, så skriv til med Subject: INF5510 exam og angiv ønsker. Vi starter kl. 08.45 begge dage og siste exam 13/6 er ca kl 14.30. Send ønske senest mandag 10/6 kl 13. Der blir afsat 40 minutter per student.

MVH Eric

Publisert 15. mai 2013 21:39

Eksamensspørsmål 2013 vil blive lagt på websiderne snart.

Eksamen er 13 og 14 juni, 2013 og er muntlig.

Men de blir stort set identiske med dem fra 2012, så hvis du vil forberede dig allerede nu, så bruk dem fra siste år. Du må gjerne bruge norsk, dansk eller engelsk ved eksamen. Du vælger selv språk. Og du vælger selv om jeg skal svare på dansk eller engelsk.

ENGLISH: Exam is June 13th and 14th, 2013 and will be an oral exam.

Exam questions will be posted on the web soon. They will for all pratical purposes be the same as last year. This year, however, they will be posted both in Norwegian and English. You are welcome to use either Norwegian, Danish or English at the exam.


Publisert 22. apr. 2013 09:13

See here:

Publisert 22. apr. 2013 09:12

Today, we have a guest lecturer: Sape Mullender from the Netherlands.

Besides the normal lectures before lunch, he is giving a talk for everyone at IFI after lunsj, then we resume the course thereafter.



Publisert 15. feb. 2013 14:21

You can now deliver obliq-1 on

Publisert 12. feb. 2013 15:52

The weekly gruppetimer started today and from now on will be Thursdays 12:15 - 14:00 in OJD romnr 3418.

Publisert 11. feb. 2013 19:51

Hjelpel?rer er nu fundet: Khiem-Kim Ho Xuan

Gruppetimer i denne uke: Det blir tirsdag kl 10:15 p? Fortress, OJD romnr: 3468 og torsdag kl 12:15 p? Limbo, OJD romnr: 3418

Reminder: Neste forelesning: 18/2 kl 10.15 - 17 (Vigtikt: 10.15!!) OJD 1454 Sem.rom Sed.

Publisert 28. jan. 2013 03:28

Reminder: Today's lecture starts at 09:15 in OJD 1454 Sem.rom Sed. Again, note that this is a DIFFERENT room than earlier announced! If you missed the first lecture, you can still attend the course - SHOW UP and I will give a briefing to those that missed the first lecture!

Some have had problems installing Emerald - do not worry about the first assignment - as we still do not have a hjelpel?rer, you have not received any help in getting Emerald installed. So the first assignment deadline will be extended.

Publisert 23. jan. 2013 20:10

Det er desverre forel?big ikke grupper i INF5110. Vi jobber med saken.

Publisert 22. jan. 2013 17:19

Slides and pictures of the whiteboard from the first lecture are now on the web. See the F1 Forelesning materiale

Publisert 15. jan. 2013 17:00

Notes from yesterday's lecture will be put on the web when I get back in the office in Dublin tomorrow. Eric

Publisert 15. jan. 2013 16:43

Tak til alle jer som kom og h?rte p? i g?r :)

Tid og sted er nu lagt p? Webben!

BEM?RK: Det er et ANDET lokale end announceret ved forelesningen! BEM?RK: Ang. 15/4 og 22/4: Der vil kun v?re forelesning EN af de TO dage! BEM?RK: Tid og sted angiver tiden som 9-17 - det er det tidsrom vi har reserveret rommet. Men som regel starter vi 09.15 og slutter ca 16. Dog 18/2 ved jeg at vi starter 10.15 og slutter kl 17.

Time and place has now been announced on the web site.

NOTE!: It is a DIFFERENT room than the one announced at the first lecture!. NOTE!: Concerning 15/4-2013 and 22/4-2013 please note that ONLY one of these two days will be used. NOTE!: Tid og sted shows the time as 9-17 - which is the time that we have reserved the room. However, we usually do 9:15 - 16 or 10.15 - 17. February 18th we will start 10.15.

Publisert 13. jan. 2013 17:55

The first lecture will be tomorrow, 14/1-2013 from 9:15 to 16:00 with a one hour lunch break. Due to illness at ifiadm we STILL do not have a room assigned.

THEREFORE please show up in Ole-Johan Dahls hus Informatikksalen [5462] at 09:15am!

See you there!

Sincerely, Eric

Publisert 3. jan. 2013 14:47

Eric: Lecture number three will be February 18th - and will start at 10.15 and last until 17.00 (including the usual one hour lunch break). Lecture number four is likely to be March 18th.

Publisert 22. des. 2012 19:06

DATES: For Spring 2013 (v?r 2013) the first two lectures will be January 14th and January 28th. These dates are firm. The third lecture is highly likely to be February 11th. NOTE: the third lecture looks like it will be February 18th instead!!

Publisert 22. des. 2012 18:54

Eric: Hi, as I am a Professor II at UiO, I am not in Oslo most of the time. Therefore, instead of 15 x 2 hours of lectures, the course consists of 5 sessions x 6 hours. Each session is typically composed as follows: we start Monday morning at 09:15 and I then lecture until lunch-time. We take about an hour for lunch then start again approximately at 13 and continue to 16. There is a total of 5 lectures with a spacing of 2 weeks between the first three and 4-5 weeks between the last three. Between the lectures there are sessions with a Teaching Assistant every week - and you are expected to spend some time programming - this is a course where you will get your hacking fingers dirty! This is the fourth time the course has been given - typically with quite positive feedback (I ask for feedback after every set of lectures).

For Spring 2013 (v?r 2013) the first two lectures will be January 14th and January 28th. These dates are firm. The third lecture is highly likely t...