Teaching plan

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
16.01.2013 Martin Reimers  Seminar Room B1036 in Niels Henrik Abels hus, 1015-1200  Introduction. Lagrange interpolation, Neville-Aitken scheme. Sections 1.1-1.3   
23.01.2013 Martin Reimers    Bezier curves, spline curves. Sections 1.4-1.6  Canceled 
28.01.2013 Martin Reimers    Bezier curves, spline curves. Sections 1.4-1.6    
30.01.2013 Martin Reimers    B-splines: basic properties. Sections 2.1-2.2   
06.02.2013 Martin Reimers    Matrix representation, evaluation. Sections 2.3-2.4  Hand in Oblig 1: 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7 to Bart  
13.02.2013 Martin Reimers    Linear independence, differentiation. 3.1-3.2   
18.02.2013 Bart?omiej Siwek    Tutorial. Oblig 1   
25.02.2013 Martin Reimers    Smoothness, B-spline basis. 3.2-3.3   
27.02.2013 Martin Reimers    Knot insertion, Oslo algorithm. 4.1-4.2  Hand in Oblig 2: 2.2, 2.6, 2.11, 2.12, 2.17, 2.19 
04.03.2013 Bart?omiej Siwek    Tutorial. Oblig 2   
06.03.2013 Martin Reimers    Blossoming. 4.3   
13.03.2013 Martin Reimers    Inserting one knot, bounding sign changes 4.4-4.5   
20.03.2013 Martin Reimers    Piecewise linear interpolation. Variation Diminishing Spline Approximation: 5.1-5.2  Hand in Oblig 3: 3.1, 4.3, 4.5, 4.7, 4.8, 4.10  
27.03.2013     Easter holidays - no lecture   
03.04.2013 Martin Reimers    Cubic Hermite interpolation, Cubic Spline Interpolation: 5.3-5.4   
08.04.2013 Bartlomiej Siwek    Tutorial Oblig 3   
10.04.2013 Martin Reimers    General Spline Interpolation, Least squares Approximation: 5.5-5.6   
17.04.2013 Martin Reimers    Parametric Spline Curves 6.1-6.2. Tensor-product spline surfaces, 7.1   
24.04.2013 Martin Reimers    Tensor-product spline surfaces 7.2,7.4   
29.04.2013 Martin Reimers   Quasi-interpolation. Ch. 8  
01.05.2013     May day holiday, no lecture   
08.05.2013 Martin Reimers    Distance to polynomials and splines. Chapter 9 up to 9.3.2.  Hand in Oblig 4 Data
13.05.2013 Bartlomiej Siwek    Tutorial Oblig 4   
15.05.2013 Martin Reimers    Convergence of control-polygon - 9. Zeros and uniqueness of interpolation - Chap 10 to 10.2.1   
22.05.2013 Martin Reimers   Summary  
27.05.2013 Martin Reimers   Questions and Answers  


Published Jan. 10, 2013 11:34 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:00 PM