
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
27.08.2008Magne J?rgensen? 3B? Introduction? Supporting text:

Tore Dyb?, Barbara Kitchenham and Magne J?rgensen, Evidence-based Software Engineering for Practitioners, IEEE Software, Vol. 22, No. 1, Jan-Feb 2005. (You can download it from: simula.no/research/engineering/publications/Dyba.2005.1)?

03.09.2008Magne J?rgensen? 3B? Argumentation analysis? Alec Fisher, The logic of real arguments, Chapter 2: A general method of argument analysis. Cambridge University Press. 2004. p 15-28.

Karyn Charles Rybacki and Donald Jay Rybacki, Advocacy and opposition, Chapter 8: What should I avoid? Pearson. 2004. p 142-163.

(For scanned versions of these two chapters, see teaching material)

www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/evidence_use.html ?

10.09.2008? ? No lecture!!!? ?
17.09.2008Magne J?rgensen? 3B? Research Methods I - Scientific method, experiments, surveys ? Supporting texts:

Briony J Oates, Researching information systems and computing, SAGE Publications. (Section 7, Surveys)

Claes Wohlin et al. Experimentation in software engineering. Kluwer Academic Publishers. (Section 11, Experiments)


Empirical research in software engineering: Barbara Kitchenham et al., Preliminary Guidelines for Empirical Research in Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2002.

www.moffitt.org/moffittapps/ccj/v4n5/article4.html ?

24.09.2008Bente Anda? 3B? Research Methods III: Case studies? B. C. D. Anda, K. Hansen, I. Gullesen and H. K. Thorsen. Experiences from Using a UML-based Development Method in a Large Safety-Critical Project, Empirical Software Engineering 11(4):555-581, 2006.

C. B. Seaman, V. R. Basili, An Empirical Study of Communication in Code Inspections, ICSE 97, 96-106.

P. Darke, G. Shanks, M. Broadbent, Successfully completing case study research: combining rigour, relevance and pragmatism, Info Systems J, 1998, 8, 273-289.

B. Flyvebjerg, Five Misunderstandings About Case-Study Research, Qualitative Inquiry, Volume 12 Number 2, 219-245.?

01.10.2008Magne J?rgensen? 3B? Research Methods II – Measurement theory, statistical methods ? Supporting text:

Software quality measurement, M. J?rgensen, Advances in Engineering Software 30(12):907-912, 1999. (Dowload from "Undervisningsmateriell")

www.moffitt.org/moffittapps/ccj/v4n5/article4.html ?

08.10.2008Magne J?rgensen? 3B? Collection and evaluation of results from research studies and practice-based experience ? Supporting texts:
  • Kitchenham et al., Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering, Kitchenham, 2007.
  • J?rgensen, Forecasting of Software Development Work Effort: Evidence on Expert Judgment and Formal Models, J?rgensen, 2007 (International Journal of Forecasting)
15.10.2008Dag Sj?berg? 3B? Research on software engineering research ? Supporting text: D. I. K. Sj?berg, T. Dyb? and M. J?rgensen. The Future of Empirical Methods in Software Engineering Research, In Future of Software Engineering (FOSE '07), edited by Briand L. and Wolf A., Minneapolis, US, 23-25 May 2007. IEEE-CS Press, pages 358-378, 2007.

simula.no/research/engineering/publications/Simula.SE.13/simulapdffile ?

22.10.2008? ? No lectures!? ?
29.10.2008Magne J?rgensen? 3B? Research on software project management? ?
05.11.2008Stein Grimstad? 3B? Research on software cost estimation? ?
12.11.2008Erik Arisholm? 3B? Research on object oriented analysis and design? ?
19.11.2008Magne J?rgensen? 3B? Summary? This will not be an ordinary lecture, but two hours where I will be present to discuss project related questions and give feedback on preliminary versions of project reports.?
Published Aug. 14, 2008 3:05 PM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2008 7:50 PM