Beskjeder - Side 2

Publisert 4. feb. 2022 09:57

The plans are to reopen the Vilhelm Bjerknes Building on Monday, but as there are some additional problems with auditoriums 1 and 5, we may not be allowed to use them next week. We have therefore booked Room 108 on the ground floor of the Niels Henrik Abel Building as a substitute for Monday 12-14 and Wednesday 12-14. This room is much smaller, but should suffice if the turn-out is as it has been so far. We still hope to able to use Auditorium 5, and I'll post the final decision when I have it.


Publisert 31. jan. 2022 19:21

It is now clear the the Vilhelm Bjerknes Building will be closed all week, and the Wednesday lecture will therefore be prerecorded and digital (same format as the Monday lecture). I will be available on zoom at Wednesday 12.15.

Publisert 28. jan. 2022 11:28

Due to a fire earlier in the week, the Vilhelm Bjerknes Building will be closed on Monday and Tuesday (and perhaps Wednesday) for cleaning of the ventilation system. This means that the lecture on Monday January 31st will be prerecorded and digital (you can already find the recordings on the "Before the lectures"-page). I will be at the zoom-link at 12.15 to chat and answer questions. It's too early to say yet, but the the Wednesday lecture will probably also be digital.

Publisert 24. jan. 2022 15:31

I would like some feedback on how we should do the exercise sessions, and how I can provide help with exercises in general. Please answer a few questions here.

Note that you can now ask questions or discuss things in Canvas under "Discussions". I will try to check the page regularly to provide answers.

Here's the current (tentative) plan:

The Monday exercise session

  • In this session I will go through exercises and remind you of the most important defintions and results used.
  • In the second half you can get individual help.
  • The session will not be hybrid.

If you can not attend the exercise session you have the following possibilites:

  • Ask questions on Canvas (under "Discussions")
  • Look at the solutions from previous semesters (if a solution is missing, you can ask me about it on Canvas or by mail)
  • If there is a ...
Publisert 22. jan. 2022 10:26

As there are rumors that some of you haven't got hold of the book yet, I have linked to copies of the problem texts for the problems for the first two weeks (see the page for weekly problems).

Publisert 20. jan. 2022 06:30

If you are struggling with proofs, I came think of another group of videos that may be of help (if you understand Norwegian). 

Publisert 14. jan. 2022 21:42

The new COVID regulations open for on-campus teaching in courses with less than 200 participants. This means that you are welcome to physical lectures from Monday, January 17th. There are no changes in the digital offerings: The lectures will still be zoomed and recorded. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday!


Publisert 12. jan. 2022 19:54

Ulrik Fjordholm has made introductory videos to (almost) all parts of the course. I will link to them in the entries on the "Before the lectures" page, but to make them easier to find, I have also made a separate page where you can find them all (look for "Introductory videos" under "Resources").

For the time being we are also allowed to post untexted podcasts on the course page, and you will find them under "Reports from the lectures".

Publisert 11. jan. 2022 12:51

You will find zoom links to the lectures and to some prerecorded videos on the page "Before the lectures".

Publisert 10. jan. 2022 13:07

The university has decided that the two first weeks of lectures (i.e. out January) will be digital (at least for all courses with more than 20 participants, and we have more than 100 signed up). I'll provide Zoom links to the lectures well ahead of time (se the page "Before the lectures"). I'll also make recordings of the lectures and post them on the page "Reports from the lectures"). If/when the university opens up, I shall continue the practice of zooming and recording the lectures.


Publisert 19. des. 2021 17:44

Welcome to MAT 2400! There will be more information later, but you may want to know what the syllabus is. We shall mainly be using

Tom L. Lindstr?m: Spaces: An introduction to real analysis, American Mathematical Society, 2017, ISBN: 9781470440626,

but replace Chapter 9 with a version (called chapter 10) that does not need the integration theory from chapters 7 and 8. You will find this chapter here.

The preliminary syllabus is:

Chapters 1, 2 except section 1.5 (this is introductory material that we shall cover rather quickly, especially Chapter 2 were most results should be known from MAT1100)

Chapter 3: Sections 3.1-3.6

Chapter 4: Sections 4.1–4.10

Chapter 5: Sections 5.1–5.5

Chapter 6: Sections 6.1–6.8
